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Car Limits Activity Day Nov 8th
greenwood03 - 10/10/13 at 10:10 PM

anyone fancy joining in?
i've enquired about holding a 'kits only' event as above.....
if the day is limited to 16 cars/drivers - then the cost would be £70 a head with plenty of driving time, and as it would be a private event - we can to a degree influence the format of the day to suit us/our cars.......

if you havent a clue what a Car Limits day is - google is your friend. and this would be held at North Weald.

anyone interested, can you drop me a mail/pm please, given that the 8th isnt a million miles away will have to make a fairly quick decision on whether this will fly, so not wanting to appear rude - really need folks to have checked their diaries and be 'up for it'.....

daniel mason - 10/10/13 at 10:18 PM

a lot of us are at oulton park with tracaction that day. several members from here are doing it!

twybrow - 11/10/13 at 12:24 AM

Very tempted. I have done two of these in the kit, and thoroughly enjoyed my day. I had told myself I would do a circuit again this year, but given the time of year, and the noise regs at most circuits, this is looking like a good idea!

Why £70? The last two occasions it has been £45, and on the website it is saying £49....

Car Limits linky

greenwood03 - 11/10/13 at 08:25 AM

the cost would be more than a normal day because as i mentioned in the post we'd hold the numbers down to 16 or so and keep it a private booking, rather than having them open it up to as many as they can sell to - which i believe could often be 25?

twybrow - 11/10/13 at 04:34 PM

Originally posted by greenwood03
the cost would be more than a normal day because as i mentioned in the post we'd hold the numbers down to 16 or so and keep it a private booking, rather than having them open it up to as many as they can sell to - which i believe could often be 25?

Thanks greenwood - that makes sense! An excellent day for anyone who fancies finding the limits in their car!

greenwood03 - 16/10/13 at 11:02 PM

thanks to those from here that enquired about the day - sorry, but we've filled it up now with skcc'ers....