Weather looks set fair and the car hasn't turned a wheel for far too long now, so I think I'll amble down to Newlands this Sunday and treat
myself to one of their wondrous bacon rolls.
Anybody else fancy it - or any other suggestions?
i,m up for a ride out but newlands is getting a bit sameish,any other ideas ?
looks nice,anyone else up for it ?
Ok, let's give the Twynersh a try, been past it many times but never been inside before.
See you there around 10.00?
see ya there
Sorry lads i've seen enough gypos in the last few weeks so i'll give Chertsey a miss.
Newlands might well be busy if the weathers good so might see some cars.
well that was better than expected,nice place,no sign of pikies and the food was really good
Any interesting cars ?