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Northants Wednesday Night
jollygreengiant - 2/12/04 at 12:23 PM

Well Lads its come round again. So are we at the same again or...........

Who will be there and who will be square.


PioneerX - 2/12/04 at 01:35 PM

sorry mate, It's going to have to be 'square' for me as I'm already busy that night.

paulf - 2/12/04 at 09:50 PM

Looks like i will be able to make it at present.

DavidM - 2/12/04 at 11:33 PM

I'll be there, but where?

jollygreengiant - 4/12/04 at 08:05 AM

Ok votes please. Worlds End - Ecton, OR, Billing Mill.

Personally I'd give Ecton a second go.

DavidM - 4/12/04 at 05:08 PM

I'd give Ecton a first go.

flange nut - 4/12/04 at 05:15 PM

Yes I'd like to give the Worlds End another go. I just hope they don't have a pub quiz every second Wednesday in the month.

paulf - 4/12/04 at 09:52 PM

Yes Ecton seems a better bet than Billing mill, hopefully it will be a bit less crowded.

stephen_gusterson - 5/12/04 at 10:35 AM

im up for it

2 months running will be a record



jollygreengiant - 5/12/04 at 12:44 PM

Originally posted by stephen_gusterson
im up for it

2 months running will be a record


Sod the running I'm for walking,sitting or driving (& after 22nd jan working on a car )


CliveM - 7/12/04 at 05:15 PM

Hopefully I'll be able to make it... I usually remember on the Thursday AFTER the meeting

stephen_gusterson - 7/12/04 at 05:44 PM

i nearly fogot this..... must get my head in gear for tomorrow at 8pm



JoelP - 7/12/04 at 05:47 PM

ours is at 7pm. i wonder... could i make both?!

Joel aka tardis

DavidM - 7/12/04 at 07:19 PM

Originally posted by JoelP
ours is at 7pm. i wonder... could i make both?!

Joel aka tardis

It would be rude not to.

Do you think they ask questions about cars in the quiz?

If not we could enter.

stephen_gusterson - 8/12/04 at 10:35 PM

i bailed out

saw a really good footie match - liverpool vs an unpronouncable greek team on tv instead.



[Edited on 8/12/04 by stephen_gusterson]

jollygreengiant - 8/12/04 at 11:02 PM

Originally posted by CliveM
Hopefully I'll be able to make it... I usually remember on the Thursday AFTER the meeting

Who forgot.?

& mr gusterson tsk tsk.

paulf - 9/12/04 at 09:31 PM

Me to until late evening, i spent the afternoon rebuilding the tumble drier to avoid the wife waisting money on a new one, and then had a late dinner and nodded off in front of the boring TV.

Originally posted by jollygreengiant
Originally posted by CliveM
Hopefully I'll be able to make it... I usually remember on the Thursday AFTER the meeting

Who forgot.?

& mr gusterson tsk tsk.