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Curborough breakfast club
19sac65 - 9/4/16 at 08:07 AM

Dont know if its of any interest to anyone
Attended a few times last year and really enjoyed it
Nice food,usually a club are running test sessions on track so theres some noise too
Lots of different stuff to look around

Breakfast Gatherings 2016

by Curborough Admin on December 31, 2015 in Calendar, Club, Events
Following the popularity of the Curborough Breakfast Gatherings in 2015, dates for 2016 have been announced as follows:

April 16th
May 14th
June 18th
July 16th
August 13th
September 17th
October 8th

All 8am to 11.30am.
These are ideal meetings for you to meet other petrol heads where they can admire your car and you can admire theirs!!!
And also have a breakfast of course!!


breakfast meet, events, sdcc

zx12r dug - 9/4/16 at 06:11 PM

Sounds good I'll probably pop along to a couple of meets

[Edited on 9/4/16 by zx12r dug]

CosKev3 - 11/5/16 at 06:20 PM

Anyone planning on going to the next one on Saturday?

19sac65 - 11/5/16 at 06:59 PM

if the weather looks ok ille probably go - ille post it again on the westfield forum too
theres also a sprint on
also , sunday,the lotus 7 club are sprinting there
both days free entry

prawnabie - 12/5/16 at 11:16 AM

I may go