Ardingly Autojumble sunday march 6th
South of England showground
Near Haywards Heath
west sussex
doors open 10 am i'll post more info if and when i get it.
[Edited on 17/2/05 by bob]
Oooooo autojumble!
I'll be there! I love a good rummage!
ATB fozzie
Might be worth making it the next meet ??? 1st sunday and all that
nice change of venue is what i thought
Do we have an address for multimap?
I'll be there in my new motor!!
Are we meeting somewhere 1st en route?
Address at top of thread.
No hairdressers cars allowed,you will have to park somewhere else
oooh some people can be so mean!!
So we gonna meet up somewhere 1st or have a meeting place when we get there? oh and a time to meet.
I'll bring me comb and scissors!
good job i had a trim not long ago
Don't you trust me with a pair of scissors then??
Something for the weekend?
Yes some hair would be nice!!!
Whatevers left over from Ned, James and Jasons haircuts i'll glue onto your head
i can never remember what btt is
BTW you can tell Bob's got the day off!! all these posts! LOL
BTT = Back To The Top.
Errr, I was looking forward to me rummage on the 6th, but.......methinks its mothers I am not too sure I can make it now....but I will do me
Mothers day whatever next,i'll just pop down to tescos for another value card and some forecourt flowers on the way back.
Originally posted by bob
Mothers day whatever next,i'll just pop down to tescos for another value card and some forecourt flowers on the way back.
I mentioned the autojumble to mrs bob and she said not to waste my money on flowers for mothers day as i need all the spare cash i can get hold of for
the zetec instal,what a women
so i'm going down the jumble,although i now have to negotiate the sunday at stafford the following week