Spent all day at Forrestburn setting up the hill for tomorrow's hillclimb.
On the way home, the alternator failed in my car - I think.
Checked all connections - all good. Car show 11.5 volts when running and won't start without a jump.
It's either that or the battery, and scrutineering is at 8.30 am tomorrow so no time to get it replacement bits.
Maybe it just wasn't meant to be after all. It maybe comes across as an over reaction, but right at this time I seriously feel like jacking it
all in and honestly forgetting all about it.
P.S. Enjoy Stoneleigh all who are going.
Sorry to hear that mate... Don't give up though. Any luck fixing it??
What type of Alternator is it?? Code?
John would a mini alternator fit ??
Thats bad luck John I would say it was the Alternator.. should be about 14volts when charging, could be earth connections?
I do hope you make it so I will have at least one person to talk to!
ps I am and always will be most definitely be an amateur
you should be able too run all day on a fully charged battery ? take a spare battery n jump leads, try too only start the engine with a jump to save
your battery, once running the car will draw next too nothing, if the regs allowed it we never run an alternator, they take ge gee's.
If i had a pound for every time iv'e felt the same, drive shaft broke on start line, fuel pump pack up during practice, oil pipe off and fire
during race, car written off in trye wall, need i go on........
welcome too motorsport.
[Edited on 30/4/05 by Jon Ison]
John, I have a spare fully charged battery - if you want I can take it with me tommorow just let me know...
The early K series usually had a Lucas-Magnetti Marelli alternator the combined brush and regulator pack on these is easy to change without removing
the alternator (I have a regulator pack spare in my garage) BUT the bad news it isn't the usual cause of failure on this type usually it is
either the diodes or the rotor windings adjacent to the slip rings.
Diode failure will flatten he battery overnight unless the alternator is disconnected.
A broken rotor winding can be jury rigged by a bit of deft soldering.
Also check the pulleys isn't spining on the shaft --- they are keyless I have seen this twice on K series.
If it's not a dodgy earth I suggest you try cleaning the alternator rings and brushes.
Get the alternator off, remove the brushes (if they're in a self contained module like mine are), clean the copper contact rings whilst spinning
the pulley by hand. Clean the brushes with a half round file. Then flush it with a suitable solvent and/or WD40.
Have a good look to check that the (probably one) electrical spring contact in the alternator body will make contact with the brush module thingy
properly when it's all screwed back together. If not bend it so it does. Put it back together.
Worked for me last week, I had exactly the same symptoms.
Edit: But evidently a completely different alternator (I just saw Trident's post). Looks like my idea won't be much help.
[Edited on 30/4/05 by Dave Ashurst]
Guys - thanks for all the help and encouragement.
Truly awesome.
Having now remade one dodgy connection between the battery and the starter and cleaned a few more, it seems to charge - at least at higher revs. At
least if I make it there and bring jump leads I can give it a boost throughout the day.
IF SWMBO comes in the sensible car as well. We will be fine.
It'll mean I can get the alternator off and check it out thoroughly after tomorrow.
P.S. engine stopped - 11.99volts. Engine running a couple of tenths less at 900rpm, a volt or so more above 3000rpm.
Not perfect abviously, but much better than earlier.
Ach - we'll make it one way or another.
Cheers all locostbuilders
Having read britishtrident's post (i dont know the ins and outs of how alternators work) if it was me tomorrow id'e make sure the battery
was fully charged, get as many jump starts as poss to save your battery and dissconect the alternator in case it is flattening your battery, park on a
hill and bump start if you can, whatever you do turn up and enjoy, your fellow competitors will offer more help than you can imagine if your in a
proper mess.
go n enjoy.
See you tomorrow John
Originally posted by Gizmo
See you tomorrow John![]()
Well - it didn't happen.
Electrics failed en route again and I very nearly wrote the car off on the public highway in the attempt at getting to the vent. ( More details in the
middy section).
At this point I listened to the voices in my head for once and took the bugger back home while it was still running and in one piece.
Nil Illegitimi Carborundum etc....
Maybe it just wasn't meant to be after all. It maybe comes across as an over reaction, but right at this time I seriously feel like jacking it all in and honestly forgetting all about it.
If your needing a jumper battery Ive got a few kicking about. Call the Mango