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Alistair Mc - 22/7/05 at 10:23 AM

Is anyone planning to make it to the yorkshire show this year on the 13-14th August.

DarrenW - 22/7/05 at 10:33 AM

Ill be there Saturday morning en-route to Derby for the weekend.

Onlyin the tin-top though. Hopefully next yerar will be in the ZR.

Alistair Mc - 22/7/05 at 10:37 AM

I finished and sva'd my car in june, will be there. no screen or roof so if it rains I my get very wet

Lotusmark2 - 22/7/05 at 10:42 AM

May go but have been really disapointed with the shows in the last few years. Stafford was very poor.

Alistair Mc - 22/7/05 at 10:47 AM

Yes, I went to stafford this year, needed a few things to finish my car. The show was quite poor

Snuggs - 22/7/05 at 10:54 AM

I will be going down on Saturday and may go on Sunday as well.

There are no on-site camping facilities but I understand that there are camp sites nearby.


Alistair Mc - 22/7/05 at 10:57 AM

If the weather is forcast fine I was thinking of maybe camping, but not sure I will decide closer to the time

mookaloid - 22/7/05 at 11:37 AM

I'm sure I'll be there



mitch2b - 22/7/05 at 12:25 PM

Camping is available at the showground, facilities a quite good, (excellent compaired to Donnington) with Showers and new toilet blocks,
Pub at gate way, (golf links club house) and supermarket at Junction of main road.

I will be there with the Rhood gang,
See you there??

TPG - 22/7/05 at 01:15 PM

The Harrogate show is worth going to now.Promoters have changed and it is now better.Mark.Sunday or Saturday?

bob - 22/7/05 at 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Alistair Mc
Is anyone planning to make it to the yorkshire show this year on the 13-14th August.

Before i loose the plot again,i take it this is the Harrogate show ?

mookaloid - 22/7/05 at 09:50 PM

Hi Richard,

Working on saturday

If you are going on sunday I could call for you on the way past



TPG - 23/7/05 at 12:57 PM

Yep.We'll do that.I'll ring you.

Marcus - 25/7/05 at 06:35 PM

Yes Harrogate.
Was pretty poor a few years ago, but I went last year and was pleasantly surprised. Quite a few of the big manufacturers and a good showing of clubs. (the club area isn't that big though)


bob - 25/7/05 at 06:58 PM

Thanks marcus

I had a chat with the organiser a couple of weeks back very helpfull bloke,the MK's will have a hard standing area to park on so maybe others will have the same.

Dont really fancy banging 6" nails in the concete to camp though

chrisg - 25/7/05 at 08:07 PM

Most of the club areas are grass Bob, I don't get back from my vacation (far east, thanks for asking) until the saturday, but I'll probably there on the Sunday.



bob - 25/7/05 at 08:15 PM

yeah its a bit of a shame that re the grass but i'm sure the lads will end up camping with the locosters anyway,it normally where i end up.