Is anyone planning to make it to the yorkshire show this year on the 13-14th August.
Ill be there Saturday morning en-route to Derby for the weekend.
Onlyin the tin-top though. Hopefully next yerar will be in the ZR.
I finished and sva'd my car in june, will be there. no screen or roof so if it rains I my get very wet
May go but have been really disapointed with the shows in the last few years. Stafford was very poor.
Yes, I went to stafford this year, needed a few things to finish my car. The show was quite poor
I will be going down on Saturday and may go on Sunday as well.
There are no on-site camping facilities but I understand that there are camp sites nearby.
If the weather is forcast fine I was thinking of maybe camping, but not sure I will decide closer to the time
I'm sure I'll be there
Camping is available at the showground, facilities a quite good, (excellent compaired to Donnington) with Showers and new toilet blocks,
Pub at gate way, (golf links club house) and supermarket at Junction of main road.
I will be there with the Rhood gang,
See you there??
The Harrogate show is worth going to now.Promoters have changed and it is now better.Mark.Sunday or Saturday?
Originally posted by Alistair Mc
Is anyone planning to make it to the yorkshire show this year on the 13-14th August.
Hi Richard,
Working on saturday
If you are going on sunday I could call for you on the way past
Yep.We'll do that.I'll ring you.
Yes Harrogate.
Was pretty poor a few years ago, but I went last year and was pleasantly surprised. Quite a few of the big manufacturers and a good showing of clubs.
(the club area isn't that big though)
Thanks marcus
I had a chat with the organiser a couple of weeks back very helpfull bloke,the MK's will have a hard standing area to park on so maybe others
will have the same.
Dont really fancy banging 6" nails in the concete to camp though
Most of the club areas are grass Bob, I don't get back from my vacation (far east, thanks for asking) until the saturday, but I'll probably
there on the Sunday.
yeah its a bit of a shame that re the grass but i'm sure the lads will end up camping with the locosters anyway,it normally where i end up.