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South Wales Meet/Trackday
TimC - 28/7/05 at 04:22 PM

Would anybody be interested in a meet/group run in South Wales?

Having established that there are a few Locost-type cars in the area I'd be interested in a get-together.

Would also like to gauge interest in a trackday, probably at Llandow (20 miles from Cardiff); midweek; before the weather turns nasty.

Costs would be a maximum of £100 (minimum 12 cars) and potentially less if we could get more cars.

Great little circuit and potentially unrivalled track time - think 6 hours plus!

Please respond here or by U2U



phelpsa - 28/7/05 at 04:44 PM

Yep, I would (depending on dates). Don't have a built Locost yet though


liam.mccaffrey - 28/7/05 at 05:20 PM

i would come too but i don't have a car

phelpsa - 28/7/05 at 05:51 PM

Well get on then Liam! (hypocritical statement)


TimC - 28/7/05 at 08:54 PM


Not sure the whole track day thing works without a car.

I guess you could run but the Marshalls probably wouldn't like that!

phelpsa - 28/7/05 at 09:10 PM

Nahh, bring the Scooby

fesycresy - 29/7/05 at 08:10 AM

Next year should be fine !!

Would they let me on the track with my jeep ?