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Le Mans 2003
Jon Ison - 2/2/03 at 09:41 PM

99.9% certain i will have a spare chair for this trip, deposit paid, anyone fancy it ?

ideal candidate..........

Sex----Female, and still breathing
Hair----Non in the naughty bits

luggage aint a prob, going over in truck, so if there's any one out there gis a shout.......... we will have to negociate any tent sharing, as i'm not to keen on those that fart a lot....

chrisg - 2/2/03 at 11:59 PM


we will have to negociate any tent sharing, as i'm not to keen on those that fart a lot....

That means you can't share with yourself then, you smelly git.



Jon Ison - 3/2/03 at 03:28 PM

Not sure wot u r implying there my iccle yorkshire friend ?????

just to make it clear, the luggage goes on the truck, the spare chair is in the blade......

Considerably - 7/2/03 at 01:09 PM

I trust you will be popping along to the Caterham club "village" at some time.

Sadly I am not going this year, otherwise we could have shared a box or two of cheap red wine.

Jon Ison - 7/2/03 at 06:36 PM

fraid not, don't do red wine either i'm afraid,

would have thought it would have been a "City" anyway, but then again the words VILLAGE and IDIOT spring to mind............

chrisg - 7/2/03 at 11:01 PM

Grrrrrrrr, Le mans.............grrrrrrrrrr..........Cateringvans................Grrrrrrrrrrr tyres!!!!!!





Sadly I am not going this year

Umm sadly for who?

Considerably - 8/2/03 at 01:37 PM

Sadly for me.

Otherwise I would have gladly let you avail yourself of the facilities - hot shower, loo's, swimming pool, a cold beer.

Perhaps next year.

chrisg - 8/2/03 at 07:00 PM


hot shower, loo's, swimming pool, a cold beer.

Having any of that at Le Mans(apart from the beer) is tantamount to holding a "coming out" party with Elton John and Michael Barrymore as special guests.



Considerably - 9/2/03 at 12:25 PM

No, you are so right Chris, having some comforts on the trip, so that one's girlfriend comes along as well ... is just soooo homosexual, compared to sharing a tent with a load of drunk blokes, which is the height of hetero is it not.

Thats the great thing about the underclasses, they always have to look down one someone, "I might be pondlife but at least I'm not one of them poofters".

chrisg - 9/2/03 at 03:18 PM

I'm just glad that the social pay for me to go, why DO you lower yourself talking to us?

And does the gentleman protest too much? mmmmm.........



[Edited on 9/2/03 by chrisg]

Considerably - 9/2/03 at 04:29 PM

*why DO you lower yourself talking to us?

Because you're all sooo funny

Jon Ison - 9/2/03 at 04:59 PM

Jon Ison - 9/2/03 at 09:43 PM

and wot a seat........!!!!!!

bob - 9/2/03 at 11:19 PM

Hold up 2 seats going

Might have a problem getting on the road due to having dosh for le mans but not enough to SVA insure and tax the bugger,well thats barring a lotto win.
Cant do both,we will have to talk and bring my co-pilot and build guru the conrodkid into this one

bob - 15/2/03 at 07:58 AM

We will talk more at the hill on the 2nd march re-seat.


bob - 15/2/03 at 10:09 AM

Spoken to my co-driver and build guru this morning,i'm afraid he's not up for it

So we are going in the tin top,although that means we can carry all your creature comforts

locodude - 17/2/03 at 09:26 PM

At the moment things are a bit up in the air but if it means someone driving to Portsmouth in the truck and then with you to Le Mans then it can be arranged. You won't end up paying any more than the rest of us don't worry. That's the beauty of MK taking the truck, it has 7 seats.