ok thanks for the info before on trackdays
last thing
if my cars not road registered and I want to go on a airfield day to test it out what do I need to do/get buy etc
apart from obviously trailoring it there and back and a helmet
what insurance do I need etc
For a trackday you don't "need" insurance. There's no 3rd party liability on your part, it's every man for himself. You get
insurance if you want to protect your investment. But you've got to weigh up the cost of the cover and the large excess for track cover against
what your car's worth (or rather what value damage could be caused). A lot of people don't insure for this reason, but some do for
"peace of mind".
But as to your question you don't "need" any. Oh, you have to show your driving license too so don't forget it!
so if someone goes into me or I go into them its tough shit!???
Every trackday I have been to its been s system of your car is your responsibility.
If an incident happens there is no concept of blame - you have to fix your car and they have to fix theirs.
Fortunatly car/car incidents seem to be very rare, I have never seen one.
I used to take insurance, but I don't any more as it represents a significant portion of the total cost of the day and not much us usually
covered. I am now more comfortable with what happens on a trackday etc and took the decision that the insurance wasn't worth it.
Some like the car to be road legal (I seem to remeber Motorsport events do, stops people using them as testing days for racing) ie have a number plate
- I got around this pre-SVA by just slicking on the plates from the donor
Originally posted by zxrlocost
so if someone goes into me or I go into them its tough shit!???
IMO I would be more worried about trackday cover if it was for a greatly more valuable car or one which is needed regularly.
Our cars have a relatively large component value and even after a large prang a lot should be salvageable and can be used again or sold on.
Admittedly this doesn't take into account the hours spent building the thing in the first place but then thats what kit/locosts are all about!
[Edited on 17/11/05 by andylancaster3000]