just got my invite for uxbridge auto show....july 16th...so plenty of notice
Blimey they leave it a bit late don't they!! Better get your skates on John!!
I might have fitted my engine by then , i'll ask my mum if I can come out.............
it,l be roasty toasty bbq weather again,summat to look forward to
Sweet b jesus, don't know if i''l be able to do it that soon.
ATB Dan.
..ooeer, couldn't they have given us just a bit more notice!
....organizers always leave things to the last minute....grumble, grumble...groan
Yup...count me in.....
Waddya think the chances are I'll have a finished car by then?
Originally posted by Jasper
i'm not a betting man, so you can keep your £50 for xmas prezzies James
Steady on james, don't over do it!!!
I have my dad coming round on Tuesday to help with the car and i have a nice long list for us to get through.
I'll be on the road by Xmas!!