Second tuesday of the month is coming up (was this the plan for this year?)
Change of location? or are we going to give the Boundary house another chance?
Who is planning on coming along? Weather has been good the last couple of days so hopefully it will stay that way and we might see some sevens.
Sorry I'm off to Cosford for a few weeks on a course so can't make it, I'll read up on where you go later, Personally I'd give the
boundry another go and see if the Reading floks can make it if not back to good old Oxford.
Enjoy Dan.
where when? im in reading and if not too much of a trek i will come along
CLICKY HERE Is where we meet last time.
So is it the boundary next week then?
I got a bit mixed up, I was thinking that the tuesday just gone was the second tuesday. Although I have just realised the meet last month was on the
first tuesday of the month, just confusing my self now.
To be honest, I had a lot of work on so didnt really push it. But we could move it to next tuesday
As long as we start getting some regulars then we can set a date that best suits people.
So yes, next tuesday at the Boundary House!
Anyone planning to come along this tuesday?
Hi Greggors84,
Should be able to get over for a while tomorrow. You still going?
Yeah should be, got a few people interested. Will let you know for definate tomorrow afternoon.
depending on what time you are starting i might be able to make it, got to go to a meal round the corner at 8
What time tonight then guys?
last time it was 19.00-19.30 ish. I will be there from about 19.00 for a short while.
I should be there from about 7.15 as I have to pop out first.
See you there.
In case you're checking in Dan.........
Myself, Chris (Greggors84), and Chris Russell made it to the last meet. Hope to see you at next months bun fight.