a few weeks ago someone at box hill asked me for an astra header tank,well ive got 1 now if you want to mail me
email sent ol buddy!
due to the state of war we find ourselvs in and the fact that plastic is made with the help of oil the tank has gone up in price
Ok ok....how about i throw in an extra sausage?
and toast,beans,bacon,chips,chocolate etc etc etc.
Steady on old chap! is this on top of the breakfast i'm already buying you for the header tank? You'll go off POP!
Or BANG!!!!
The new coalition secret weapon..
Now theres a good idea.......Get John to eat shed loads of food at Box Hill then send him over to Iraq and drop him onto Baghdad!!!
KABOOOOMMMM Sausage, egg, tea & toast EVERYWHERE!!!!!
ok i know when i,m not wanted
Sorry John, we just thought you could do with a holiday and it seems that Iraq is full of Americans and English for some reason.....must be good if so
many are out there!!!!!