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Locost Club
chrisg - 23/3/03 at 09:34 PM

Hi Chaps,

Please read the following from the Club Website:-

>Guys (and Ladies),

So far we have paid our subscription fee to Rory Perrett, turned up at events and read the Newsletters. Much of what the Club has grown into would never have happened if Rory had not put in his time and energy.

However, he does not have time to continue. He has in effect been Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary and Newsletter Editor all at once, so it is not surprising that he wants a break.

If you would have the time and energy to do ONE part of the above, not necessarily all of it, it would save the Club from dying out. If no one has the time, then the Club will certainly have to stop.

If you can help out, please contact either me (by or Rory directly (if you already have his address / phone / email)

Please think about it.

Adam S-J
Vice-Chairman / Webmaster
19th March 2003

Well chaps what about it? surely amongst the people on here we can sort it out?

what do you say?



bob - 23/3/03 at 11:33 PM

It would be nice if some do gooders kept it running,i do miss the little newsletters with the inacurate dates for race meets