Evening Folks,
It's getting near to the show and i was wondering what folk were thinking of bringing, we know that the Locost Car Club will have a Marquee
(cheers Chris)
I can bring a portable tin Bbq that worked well enough last year, Can anyone else able to bring the necessaties that could help the weekend go better.
( gazebo's and the like)
ATB Dan.
i can bring a couple of dispo bbq,s and summat to make tea with
I have gas and petrol lights.
Plus single burner and bits, cant get much more in
Might need gazeebo to cover the bar-b-q if its wet
I I'll have everything including mansion, fridge, bbq, table, chairs, big frying pan, gas ring, bbq, umbrella, gas, lights, camping
battery......and kitchen sink
Should be good!!
Will bring beer, meat, single burner, frying pan, self, wife (probably), tent, etc.
No gazebo though (i ain't got one)
Rich, hope you get to stay for the weekend this year!
Yep! Kids staying with grandparents
Me and the wife coming, arriving sat lunchtime, staying until monday afternoon
Should be excellent!
Sounds as though you will all have an excellent weekend!
Sadly I will be slumming it in the Caribbean so won't be going!....
.......I'll get me coat
is that a BIGGER frypan than last year rich?
same one John, just for you
so what are the rest of us meant to eat off of then if jon is hogging that one?!!
found last years pics, guess jon wants an upgrade from this:
to this:
[Edited on 18/4/06 by ned]
pukka tukka!
Paula said she would make a massive Paella for everyone if anyones interested on one night, very mediterranean!! or we can just do bbq stuff.
I can vouch that her Paella is well nice!! but the choice is yours! If anyones up for it we can bring all the stuff and just do a massive pan full or
two or three or ......
my car isnt even built but can i come too?
There's a Locost meeting on the Monday night in Leamington Spa (about 5 miles away).
All are welcome and if the weathers good we'll probably have 4 or 5 finished cars.
is there room for one more will bring supplies in tin top
plenty room for everyone,and as we are all into healthy eating....ive got a big box of devils dandruff
all will be revealed on the day
I might bring a pie and some liquer to go with that devils dandruff, oh and some vinegar and pepper too.
Where exactly are we all meeting up to camp, eat food, get drunk, tell rude jokes, laugh till we wee ourselves etc.. ?
Dont forget to take some gaffer tape for your annual tent repair ( tight git )
You can meet/camp at the MK owners pitch on 39E
I wont be far away
Sweet!! I have your mobile number so if i get lost (Most likely!!) i can give you a ring.
Beat you to it It's not as far as i thought actually. Just hope i can find the designated club parking area.
I will be coming down on Sat.
Was going to camp with the Luego guys but I guess they wont be there
Can anyone tell me where area 39e is on this map???
Looking at your map as it is there, 39 is the second down of the four to the right of the Grand Ring if they are always numbered the same.
I'm another Luego orphan, Can I join you guys too?. for Sat night, camping.
I'll be up on the sunday, going to warrick castle on the sturday with the GF so got a hotel booked in Coventry for sat night lol
Sadly it'll be in a manky 306td as the Indy is still onlt at rolling chassis stage :p
I'll mosey over to say hello though
Originally posted by wilkingj
I'm another Luego orphan, Can I join you guys too?. for Sat night, camping.
anyone ordered good weather for the show or will our prejudices about rainy uk be confirmed
looks like it may be damp
[Edited on 27/4/06 by theconrodkid]