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Woody - 28/4/03 at 08:25 AM

Is there anyone in the north wales area
who would be interested in forming a group , for mutual encouragment , swaping ideas etc or is there a group allready just i dont know about it ?
I would love to hear from anyone in the area

MK9R - 28/4/03 at 09:51 AM

baa baa!

Woody - 29/4/03 at 12:24 AM

Well at least that reply was allmost predictable LOL

[Edited on 29/4/03 by Woody]

Woody - 3/5/03 at 02:58 PM

OH come on , there must be someone ?
OK what about over the border then ?

theconrodkid - 3/5/03 at 03:57 PM

time for your medicin austen????

Woody - 4/5/03 at 02:04 PM


Woody - 12/5/03 at 10:11 PM

Well its just you and me then woody
Oh yea and dont forget woody

Woody - 19/5/03 at 04:52 PM

And i didnt read this untill too late