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London to Brighton Kit Car Run
eccles - 4/5/03 at 06:40 AM

Just to let you know the 2003 run details can be found at

Expensive, but might be worth watching at some point on route.


chrisg - 4/5/03 at 10:37 AM

Looks good, too far "sarf" for me tho. I hope by including "sportscar" in the title the whole thing isn't swamped by people in Novas & those funny little Peugeots, or are they Citroens?( I dunno, both probably, you know the ones they put massive rear arches on a FWD!)



Btw that web address has "sex" in the middle of it, tee hee (how old am I supposed to be?)

eccles - 4/5/03 at 02:13 PM


They do have another website, I just liked the first one:-D for those who are easily offended.

I didn't go to the last one, but went to the halfway point at the Bluebell railway in 2001. There was a very good show of kit cars which can be seen on my website, but I think the sports cars had a different halfway point. Hopefully they will be a bit choosy in what constitutes a sports car.
