While I was at Stoneleigh I managed to have a brief word with Rory Perrett, former secretary of LOC.
Apparently it's still a bit up in the air at the moment, but there may be an AGM (or EGM) at Newark. Basically, if the meeting can raise a full
committee that has a decent amount of work-sharing within itself then the club will start up again. If it ends up with no-one taking on any duties
then the club will fold.
Whatever the outcome, Rory will not be taking on any duties.
I must say that I sympathise with Rory, as he got well and truly stitched-up at the last AGM, being lumbered with the post of secretary, newsletter
editor, and sundry other jobs. The committee was also one person light as well, I believe, which didn't help.
I hope that it all works out well this time...
I've offered to do the newsletter, and I posted on here for other volunteers, but no takers.
There must be others who could help
Chris - I also had a word with Rory today, he says he may have someone to do the newsletter subject to someone else doing the membership thing.
Don't know about volunteers for that one though.
I can help in some way, please PM me and ill see how i can help.