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Who's up for a beer tonight?
jonbeedle - 25/7/06 at 04:51 PM

I know it's short notice but I'm off to see Paul 907 tonight in the 'Beedle Special'. We're meeting up with David Jenkins on the green in Long Melford by the church from about 7:30pm and having a pint at The Hare. I'll be leaving mine about 6:30pm So if you fancy joining us, see you there! Here's my number if anyone wants it. 07916351303

BKLOCO - 25/7/06 at 05:20 PM

I'm still at bloody work and don't look like getting away till at least 8:30.
1 1/2 hr drive away. Bugger. Lovely evening for it too.
Have one for me!!!!

jonbeedle - 25/7/06 at 05:22 PM

Some other time eh?

rusty nuts - 25/7/06 at 07:51 PM

Would have come along but computer gave up the ghost on Sunday , had to get a new one and have only just come on line

Danozeman - 25/7/06 at 08:13 PM

I would have come but the missus has gone out and left me with the baby.

Shame i wanted to come. Thought i was going to get away with it!!

907 - 25/7/06 at 09:05 PM

Super pint, even better company.

Paul G

David Jenkins - 25/7/06 at 09:33 PM

Absolutely - also enhanced by two rapid journeys along one of my favourite routes in Suffolk.


jonbeedle - 25/7/06 at 09:47 PM

Got home at 10:30pm . I know my lights work now!
Thanks for a great night boys, the company was quality not quantity! See you on the 6th!

Danozeman - 26/7/06 at 05:28 AM

My applogies for not making it. The wifes fault!!! Sounds like i missed a good night,,.

jonbeedle - 26/7/06 at 08:02 AM

Another time Dan. Maybe your car will be on the road by then.

David Jenkins - 26/7/06 at 07:14 PM

Well, here's the view from the rendezvous point... Rescued attachment dscf0006.jpg
Rescued attachment dscf0006.jpg

David Jenkins - 26/7/06 at 07:15 PM

and here's Jon, Paul (aka 907) & missus Beedle (who's name I've already forgotten - Sorry!).

Oh - and the car on the left is mine, the one in the middle is Jon's and the VW is Paul's!


[Edited on 26/7/06 by David Jenkins] Rescued attachment dscf0007.jpg
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