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BBQ on Sunday
ChrisW - 12/5/03 at 08:56 AM

BBQ at the Luego 'factory' in Peterborough this Sunday lunchtime. I'm going up there if I can get the day off. Open invite to all and a chance to see/ride in/drive the Locost, Velocity (IRS Locost) or the might Viento (IRS Locost +12+8+6)

Just email the Luego team and let them know you're coming.


ChrisW - 17/5/03 at 07:46 AM

Replying to my own post..

Anyone else going? I'm am, weather permitting. Free food can't be bad!


chrisg - 17/5/03 at 11:04 AM

Pop me a chicken leg in the post, I don't do "south"



Mark H - 17/5/03 at 02:46 PM

Is that an innuendo?

chrisg - 17/5/03 at 10:24 PM

No mate,

It's a place, starts at Chesterfield and finishes at the south pole.



James - 19/5/03 at 04:15 PM

Originally posted by chrisg
No mate,

It's a place, starts at Chesterfield and finishes at the south pole.



You including France in that???


chrisg - 19/5/03 at 05:32 PM

yes, and round back up the other side of the globe.

Thinking about it I wouldn't go as far as Chesterfield, and them buggers in south Sheffield..............In fact the city centre is south of here and I don't like some of the people on this road.

I may pass through these areas tho....



gjn200 - 20/5/03 at 05:41 PM

Originally posted by ChrisW
Replying to my own post..

Anyone else going? I'm am, weather permitting. Free food can't be bad!


yep I think I'll go, I want a better look at their petrol tanks, oh and its only 20mins away

gjn200 - 21/5/03 at 05:46 PM

Doh! Doh! it was last sunday