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Uxbridge Sunday 15th July
Fozzie - 16/7/07 at 12:33 AM

A great big thank you to

Conrod for organizing a fantastic meet!

Bob.....the gazebo was brill!

The weather was kind to us, nothing of the rain that was promised....

Great to see

Robocog and Fizz,
Pinto who both made the journey from the south coast

GaryM and mates...good luck with the SVA on Wednesday!

Macbeast.... is that garage cleared yet?

ChrisW and Mario





Fozzie - 16/7/07 at 12:38 AM

A few more!




jollygreengiant - 16/7/07 at 03:50 AM

Ok so maybe I should have looked at posts before u2u'ing. Good looking turnout. Those gazebo's are wonderful aren't they.


Macbeast - 16/7/07 at 06:31 AM

Where can I get a set of numberplates that apparently don't register on cameras ? Not that I speed anyway.

Fozzie - 16/7/07 at 08:50 AM

There were loads, and I mean loads of fantastic cars there of all ages.....

I didn't do too much wandering around, as I am recovering from pneumonia, so hence not many pictures of 'other' cars from me.

I think others took pictures, so hopefully they may post a few later.......
There was a rather tasty looking Ultima there...with NOS under the 'hood'......

The 'magic' number plates? ....... eerrrm well.........


pinto - 16/7/07 at 05:31 PM

some photos of uxbridge my archive
can,t get them on post tryed using little yellow box (insert image) and copying url but does not work
ps great to see every one. good day out. great show. nice food. and good weather .
rob and i were very lucky and missed all the rain on way home

Image deleted by owner

[Edited on 17/7/07 by pinto]

Fozzie - 17/7/07 at 08:33 AM

WOW excellent photos Pinto! ....

A fantastic 'snap-shot' (pardon the pun) of the type of cars on show!

Glad you got back ok and missed the rain....

I found out the problem with my Road Angel Navigator 6000 .......


bob - 17/7/07 at 05:53 PM

Good company as usual, made a nice little break.