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July Yorkshire meet
chrisg - 9/7/02 at 07:13 PM

Hello Chaps,

Tomorrow, same bat-time, same bat-channel etc.

I shall be taking the Le mans pics, including the the only one I took of the Plastic Tank Man with his balls out, It became such a common occurrance that it was hardly worth capturing , but there you go........

Btw PTM it's up to foty times and the size of spacehoppers now!!!



Jon Ison - 9/7/02 at 08:15 PM

weather permiting......don't look good at the mo....

PTM if i'm not at chuff B4 7 iv'e failed......

chrisg - 9/7/02 at 09:13 PM

Don't they sell tarpulins in Derbyshire?



locodude - 9/7/02 at 10:32 PM

Beat me to it big man. Is it possible to vet the pics before hand or do I have to take it like a man!
Chris PTM

Jon Ison - 10/7/02 at 04:17 PM

Well i'm home in time, its dry at the mo, wait n see eh......
whats a tarpulin ? summat u use on sheep ?

Jon Ison - 11/7/02 at 04:57 PM

Well i made it, wish i home at 01.30........doh

chrisg - 11/7/02 at 05:32 PM

Hey up Jon,

What happened mate?



locodude - 11/7/02 at 07:30 PM

Hi Big man
Jon had fuel pump problems which led to wiring/ignition problems probably caused by hamfisted jury rigged pump wiring. Sorry if I got it wrong Jon. Any time you need us we'll be there, just try not to make it when I'm on at 6.00am, only kidding!
Chris PTM

Jon Ison - 11/7/02 at 08:31 PM

hey, i wish i aint seen you last night too, well after 9.30 anyways

Top guys these sludge pumpers, can i still cum to le-man's......

thought so ta....