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Edit button gone missing ?
jollygreengiant - 22/3/10 at 07:21 PM

Is it my imagination or has the edit button gone AWOL??????

jollygreengiant - 22/3/10 at 07:23 PM

Now thats interesting, all the other posts I have been looking at today I have not seen the edit button, however it has made an appearance on this post.??????

Are the gremlins at it again?????

RichardK - 22/3/10 at 07:23 PM

Its meant to got after a certain period of time but not sure how long that is, not being much help am I?



RichardK - 22/3/10 at 07:24 PM

You only see it on your own posts don't you?

jollygreengiant - 22/3/10 at 07:25 PM

Originally posted by RichardK
Its meant to got after a certain period of time but not sure how long that is, not being much help am I?



Ah that would explain things, it was just me being dim and not having noticed this before.

Cheers Rich.

Mr G - 22/3/10 at 07:31 PM

How long has there been a time limit? As you need the edit button to be able to delete posts, and we all know people who have deleted some/all of their history on here

rgrs - 22/3/10 at 07:35 PM

That was the reason why their is now a time limit, i think also it's 48 Hrs


ChrisW - 22/3/10 at 07:46 PM

The limit is 48 hours. The function was added to stop people throwing their toys out of the pram and deleting all their posts.


andyharding - 22/3/10 at 08:14 PM

Big brother is at it again...

Suppose someone wants to leave and have their posts deleted a request for out of date information to be deleted under the data protection act should suffice.

Simon - 22/3/10 at 08:22 PM

Their "data" isn't protected under DP laws because it's already public.


[Edited on 22/3/10 by Simon]

Steve Lovelock - 22/3/10 at 08:46 PM

It seems a little big brotherish to me too.

The size of avatars (except ChrisW's which looks bigger than the rest)
The avatar itself (no girls incase people not working whilst at work get caught)
The lenght of time a post can be edited (why shouldn't someone throw their toys out of their pram?)

What ever next, only people with a certain type of thought profile are allowed to post? If it isn't enough that we have a government that wants to monitor and judge our every move we have a car forum doing it too. Leave the thing alone please.


Wow, I realised I missed a 'y' luckily I got in before the 'site police' banned me from doing so.

[Edited on 22/3/10 by Steve Lovelock]

matt_claydon - 22/3/10 at 09:21 PM

The problem is, when someone who started a thread throws their toys out of the pram and deletes the whole thread, all the effort that other people who replied put in to making useful knowledge public gets lost. Is that fair?

Irony - 22/3/10 at 09:55 PM

In my opinion this site is run by some people who kindly donate there time in providing this service. They don't have to but they do. I am sure they make zero profit from it as well. So we just have to abide by their rules, and fair they are to.

For example if I had a rule that everyone had to stand on there head when they came into my house, guess what? You'd have to stand on your because its my house. Their site, their rules. The end.

This talk of site rules and regs and avatar site is boring anyway.

ChrisW - 22/3/10 at 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Simon
Their "data" isn't protected under DP laws because it's already public.

...and doesn't contain any personal information, and therefore not applicable to DP anyway.

Originally posted by matt_claydon
The problem is, when someone who started a thread throws their toys out of the pram and deletes the whole thread, all the effort that other people who replied put in to making useful knowledge public gets lost. Is that fair?

Exactly why the function is there.

Originally posted by Steve Lovelock
Leave the thing alone please.

This 'rule' has been in place for some time now. We are, therefore, doing exactly what you suggest!

Originally posted by andyharding
<something derogatory towards the site>

Wow, who would have guessed you'd show up in this thread?


andyharding - 23/3/10 at 09:00 AM

Originally posted by Irony
I am sure they make zero profit from it as well.

I wouldn't be so sure, and our supreme overload didn't pick up on your comment and confirm he is so generous in giving his time for nothing...

andyharding - 23/3/10 at 09:03 AM

Originally posted by ChrisW

...and doesn't contain any personal information, and therefore not applicable to DP anyway.


Except your location, web address, email address and date of birth is in the profile page... has the definition of personal data changed since I last checked?

ChrisW - 23/3/10 at 09:32 AM

Originally posted by andyharding
Originally posted by ChrisW

...and doesn't contain any personal information, and therefore not applicable to DP anyway.


Except your location, web address, email address and date of birth is in the profile page... has the definition of personal data changed since I last checked?

All of which is optional data, and ISN'T covered by the edit time limit, which means you can remove it at any time.


Benzine - 23/3/10 at 10:04 AM

[Edited on 23/3/10 by Benzine]

Fozzie - 23/3/10 at 11:25 AM

Originally posted by Steve Lovelock
It seems a little big brotherish to me too.

The size of avatars (except ChrisW's which looks bigger than the rest)....It's his site, and an admin perk......

The avatar itself (no girls incase people not working whilst at work get caught)....No one said NO girls ....just ones that didn't cause other people...(not just those at work) problems.......a lot of sites don't allow avatars at all!

The lenght of time a post can be edited (why shouldn't someone throw their toys out of their pram?)......This is a car builders site, if posts go missing and make a thread 'nonsense', then what is the use of having a 'car builders' site?

What ever next, only people with a certain type of thought profile are allowed to post? If it isn't enough that we have a government that wants to monitor and judge our every move we have a car forum doing it too. Leave the thing alone please.


Wow, I realised I missed a 'y' luckily I got in before the 'site police' banned me from doing so...... Do please tell me exactly when either ChrisW or myself have ever picked anyone up on their spelling or grammar?....(I have a dyslexic/dyspraxic son so I am far more tolerant than most)....yet alone banned anyone for doing so....

[Edited on 22/3/10 by Steve Lovelock]

If you are going to post a response, just please keep it factual......
