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rear brake pipe route
pstirz - 15/1/11 at 06:58 PM


I'm a bit unsure of the best route for the rear brake pipes. I've run a single line on the drivers side lower transmission tunnel tube. I intend to mount a 'T' piece behind the diff.

Has anyone got any photos or a description of the best route around the diff and to each side at the rear.

Cheers Paul

phelpsa - 15/1/11 at 07:00 PM

IRS or live axle?

HappyFather - 15/1/11 at 07:42 PM

If IRS, you can check pics of mine on my blog:

Note that I've run the brake pipe on the upper drivers side (and my car is Left Hand Drive). The pipe you see on the lower driver's side is the fuel line. I believe most people do brake pipes on the upper side, but don't know if there is any special reason for that.

Have fun!

pstirz - 15/1/11 at 08:19 PM

Thanks for your help.

I got a IRS diff fitted.


bassett - 16/1/11 at 10:58 AM

Here should be a couple of picks of mine near the bottom of the page.
Id plan this carefully to make sure you dont obstruct access to the diff rear cover bolts and that it wont get squashed by the fuel tank. At the same time might be worth planning your wiring so that the loom can share rivet holes for p clips saving time later.