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Distributer for 2.0 pinto on 40 side drafts
maximus1 - 25/8/13 at 10:03 PM

Hi there I'm running 2.0 pinto on 40 side drafts on very low revs distributer
Starts making a taping noise and sometimes slight miss fire .
Rev it and its fine any ideas ? Any body got a good distriuter for sale thanks barry

jacko - 26/8/13 at 01:48 PM

Bob weights sticking take the cap off and give them a small amount of oil

woolly - 26/8/13 at 02:05 PM

Sounds like the vacuum advance is connected disconnect to check

coozer - 26/8/13 at 04:41 PM

Ditch the dizzy, get a trigger wheel, edis and coil pack.