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Gas welding with flux cored wire
Hammerhead - 8/11/07 at 04:42 PM

I am converting my mig so I can use C02 gas. I have flux cored wire.
Can I use the flux cored wire with the c02? or do I need to get some non flux wire?

It's for welding engine mounts, I am not happy with the penetration of the weld at the moment so I am hoping that c02 will help. It's only a clarke 90EN mig

MikeR - 8/11/07 at 04:51 PM

No idea how thick the steel is but if you must / only have 90 amp a triangle approach may be effective way to get penetration.

Basically instead of running a single bead, you start on the left and wait a second, then move to the right, wait a second, move forward and to the middle, wait a second, now move back to just above the start point and wait a second, then move to the right and wait a second then, move forward and to the middle and .... yep you guessed, wait a second.

Your supposed to use this technique for doing vertical welds with reduced amperage.

(i'll now wait the host of messages saying why this is a really bad idea )

gezer - 8/11/07 at 04:59 PM

on thick stuff using oxy/acet years ago you used to have to grind a V and use two or three fillets down it to fill up the V so its not much diffrent,

i can't see a problem using a similer techneic with a low powered mig, ? but i might be wrong ?

thomas4age - 8/11/07 at 05:04 PM

You probably also should re-pole the machine for using it as a gas co2 welder.

I believe the flux core machine's have negative on the torch and posi on the clamp, for gas/mig welding you need it the other way round, at least I did on my cebora minimig125

grtz thomas

Peteff - 8/11/07 at 05:26 PM

Tack them together with your little mig and take them to somebody with a big mig
You can bring them here to finish them off if there's nobody closer.

Hammerhead - 8/11/07 at 07:17 PM

Originally posted by Peteff
Tack them together with your little mig and take them to somebody with a big mig
You can bring them here to finish them off if there's nobody closer.

Good idea! Thanks for the offer, I might well take you up on it. I'll u2u the bits I need welding up so we can work out a price.


Peteff - 8/11/07 at 09:43 PM

Just cover the gas and wire, that'll do.

Dangle_kt - 9/11/07 at 09:56 AM

Originally posted by Peteff
Just cover the gas and wire, that'll do.

How much does that actually cost?

I was supprised at the price of a 5kg reel (or whatever its called) of mig wire. Nearly £100. Will it last a while?

Dunno how much gas will be, guessing I have to buy a big bottle? Or use expensive desposable ones?

I'm new to welding and dont fancy paying out £200 on bits for a welder I bought for £30 to find it gets used up before I can even weld straight. Oh mine is a clarke 160TE if that makes a difference.

Cheers and sorry for thread jack!

Peteff - 9/11/07 at 10:20 AM

A gas refill costs me £15 for co2 and my last reel of .8 cost me £10. If it's doubled in price it's still a bargain compared to your supplier by the sound of it. When I'm odd jobbing a co2 pub gas lasts months and a 5kg roll of wire is enough to build a battleship.

MikeR - 11/11/07 at 12:52 PM

my 15 pound co2 bottle lasted the whole car!

(thats 15 pound excluding the deposit)

Not sure where you're getting your wire from but they've seen you coming unless its gone up 1000's % in the last year or so. Are you sure it was standard, mig 0.8mm wire & not something special like errm, unobtainium? Just done a quick google and prices are in the 10 to 15 pound range with ali wire 40 pounds.

Dangle_kt - 11/11/07 at 02:11 PM

was in machine mart 5kg for £98, maybe it was special wire or summit??

Cheers though, found some at a decent price now.

Originally posted by MikeR
my 15 pound co2 bottle lasted the whole car!

(thats 15 pound excluding the deposit)

Not sure where you're getting your wire from but they've seen you coming unless its gone up 1000's % in the last year or so. Are you sure it was standard, mig 0.8mm wire & not something special like errm, unobtainium? Just done a quick google and prices are in the 10 to 15 pound range with ali wire 40 pounds.