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Large text in adverts
NigeEss - 22/12/10 at 09:35 AM

It really gripes me when people put HUGE test in adverts but I stumbled on one that is taking the p155

Wood Burning Multi Fuel Stove, 5kW Nominal NOW IN STOCK on eBay (end time 22-Dec-10 21:04:39 GMT)

AndyW - 22/12/10 at 04:15 PM

dont see anything wrong when I looked at it. Just seems normal to me, not particularly large text?

scootz - 22/12/10 at 05:14 PM

HUGE for me!

David Jenkins - 22/12/10 at 05:37 PM

Normal-sized for me...

Peteff - 22/12/10 at 05:38 PM

It looks normal here too, weird innit?

Ninehigh - 22/12/10 at 07:49 PM

A bit big but nufink that maeks you sound like a ilitarat **** L@@K

martyn_16v - 22/12/10 at 09:25 PM

I can only fit five characters on the screen at once

Nice large text for the hard of thinking...

David Jenkins - 22/12/10 at 09:28 PM

As a matter of interest - what browsers are people using? Especially those who are seeing large text?

FYI: I'm using Firefox, and have no problems.

Benzine - 22/12/10 at 09:33 PM

Normal size text for me using Opera

Glass on the stove is way too big though, in that there is glass there.

NigeEss - 22/12/10 at 10:07 PM

With both Chrome and IE i can see about 5 characters on screen.

Scroll down to the description text, the header info is fine.

McLannahan - 22/12/10 at 10:16 PM

IE9 - Text is all of a normal size?

Peteff - 22/12/10 at 10:53 PM

I've looked in IE8 and Safari and it's massive but Firefox shows it as normal, it just gets more intriguing

Ninehigh - 23/12/10 at 12:42 AM

Ah, that would be because the site is best viewed in Firefox 1256x680 because the person who made it couldn't be bothered to test it properly