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Cycle wings and trackdays
gaz_gaz - 23/5/11 at 08:50 PM

1 of my cycle wings removed itself the other week on the M25 and i liked the look with it off so removed the otherside and the brackets that hold them.

I've booked a trackday for wednesday and wondered if anyone knows if i'll get hassle about not having the cycle wings fitted and tyres exposed?

david_hornet27 - 23/5/11 at 09:01 PM

Most circuits/airfields I know of don't allow open wheeled cars for track days. It should say on the small print. Which circuit are you going to?

PAUL FISHER - 23/5/11 at 09:03 PM

They could get a bit funny about it, most trackdays don't allow open wheeled cars on track, sometimes they turn a blind eye if you loose it while on track, but to turn up without one you may be pushing your luck.

austin man - 23/5/11 at 09:11 PM

Are open wheeled cars allowed on the public highway ? I cant think of anything other than agricultural machines and tractors which have open wheels

gaz_gaz - 23/5/11 at 09:25 PM

well i was stopped by a traffic officer on Sunday as insurance wasn't showing on the database and he didnt say anything about the open wheels, i also passed another traffic car on the a23 and again they never took any action but i feel you maybe right and i was just lucky on this occasion,

track is Brands Hatch so i think i'll get some wings fitted just too be sure.

ashg - 23/5/11 at 10:16 PM

open wheels are a no at brands for normal track days/open pit

as for the coppers they wouldnt know tbh. vosa vans are a different kettle of fish though and they do have to power to pull you over and issue fines and seize vehicles.

[Edited on 23/5/2011 by ashg]

snapper - 24/5/11 at 05:24 AM

Open wheels are not allowed on the highway unless the registration date is pre 1932.
You may have got away with it so far, eventually you will get a producer and instructed to fix it.

Worzey - 24/5/11 at 07:41 AM

U2U sent

martyn_16v - 24/5/11 at 08:01 PM

Will also fail MOT I think. I vaguely remember years ago a tester peering for ages at my car to work out if the tread stuck out further than the bodywork or not.