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Today's Quiz
chrisg - 28/7/03 at 07:47 PM

Greetings Men,

Pottering about this evening, thought I'd check the lights on the monster(thats the car, not the wife!)

Switch on the side lights and the brake lights came on with them.

mmmmmm ............strange.

So I took the cover of the pedal box and took the feed to the brake lights off the switch

and the brake lights stayed on, without any electricty!!!!!

I found the cause, but can you guess?

Clue: it involves the tyres!

*twilight zone theme*



stephen_gusterson - 28/7/03 at 08:02 PM

dunno how tyres come into it, but usually weird $hit with back lights is due to a dodgy earth.

cue greenpeace?



chrisg - 28/7/03 at 08:47 PM

Not a dodgy earth

Steves out



theconrodkid - 28/7/03 at 09:14 PM

ya tyres rubbed through the insulation on wires to rear lights and let the wires touch or was it little green men living in ya motor?

speedthing - 28/7/03 at 09:23 PM

incorrect bulb? i get this all the time
at work when bonehead drivers put
the single contact bulb in all hell
lets loose had engine management
lights on and all sorts of crap

stephen_gusterson - 28/7/03 at 09:37 PM

cant be tyres conrod...

the wheels have to go round to rub on the wires and I didnt think Chris ever took the car out for them to do that



chrisg - 28/7/03 at 10:43 PM

CONROD WINS!!!!!!!!!

Yes chaps check that your wiring to the back light clusters is tucked well out of the way of the tyres, the whole lot had the insulation rubbed off them - bugger!



And, Steve, been further than you, unfinished boy!

theconrodkid - 29/7/03 at 06:19 PM

what do i win chris?hope its not a big kiss from you

chrisg - 29/7/03 at 10:07 PM


Oh go on then but no tongues.........



Jon Bradbury - 30/7/03 at 01:17 PM

conrod kid -

I thought your signature says "who cares who wins?"... so why are you so keen to claim your snog?

theconrodkid - 30/7/03 at 04:09 PM

being the charatible sort that i am i was gunna donate the snog to someone more worthy than me