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Could This Bike Alloy Be Repaired to a Safe Standard...
scootz - 8/8/11 at 07:42 PM

The seller states that he ran over something that punctured the tyre and put these two dimples into the rim...



scootz - 8/8/11 at 07:45 PM

Oh... and what sort of money would we anticipate the repair to be?

Ninehigh - 8/8/11 at 07:52 PM

If they're as small as they look to me then:
1. Yes
2. About £3 for a Wilson Patten Hammer, and about 10 mins to knock them back in?

scootz - 8/8/11 at 07:56 PM

I like your prognosis Holly!

deltron63 - 8/8/11 at 08:04 PM

The answer is....... is your life worth more than an alloy wheel ?

r1_pete - 8/8/11 at 08:11 PM

I wouldn't ride a bike with that wheel on, cast alloy just doesn't bend and stretch, there will be internal cracking present.

scootz - 8/8/11 at 08:13 PM

The tide of opinion is turning...

Keep the opinions coming folk!


Ninehigh - 8/8/11 at 08:38 PM

Originally posted by r1_pete
I wouldn't ride a bike with that wheel on, cast alloy just doesn't bend and stretch, there will be internal cracking present.

Didn't figure that, I just thought "that'll knock right out!"

Dusty - 8/8/11 at 09:02 PM

Well the seller's decided he/she doesn't want to ride on it!

Confused but excited. - 8/8/11 at 09:14 PM

Originally posted by Ninehigh
2. About £3 for a Wilson Patten Hammer,

Isn't that a tennis raquet?

PSpirine - 8/8/11 at 10:06 PM

Originally posted by Confused but excited.
Originally posted by Ninehigh
2. About £3 for a Wilson Patten Hammer,

Isn't that a tennis raquet?

RichardK - 8/8/11 at 10:16 PM

I wouldn't personally, although I think I have gone soft in my old age...



Simon - 8/8/11 at 11:11 PM

Originally posted by r1_pete
I wouldn't ride a bike with that wheel on, cast alloy just doesn't bend and stretch, there will be internal cracking present.

My old K series BMW had a "square" back wheel that was forever going flat (previous owner had ridden up and down kerbs). I took to a place in Maidstone who chucked it on a mandrel type thing and made it round again.

T'was fine afterwards.

Try a place like Spit and Polish



norm007 - 9/8/11 at 06:32 AM

Originally posted by scootz
The seller states that he ran over something that punctured the tyre and put these two dimples into the rim...


Scotty :

Try ringing Roy Thursby on;
He is in Stockton on Tees.

He straightened a pair of GSXR750 wheels for me that I thought were knackered and charged me around £70 for the pair

r1_pete - 9/8/11 at 06:46 AM

Is the wheel something rare? can't you find another in decent shape, the cost of that one and repair is surely going to be close on the price of a good one.

I stand by my original opinion, I wouldn't ride on it, or have a cast bike wheel repaired, why didn't the seller re-use it?

scootz - 9/8/11 at 06:50 AM

Would be a couple of hundred pound saved if I went for it, but I'm not so keen anymore.

Thanks for all the advice guys!

TheGiantTribble - 9/8/11 at 07:42 AM

Just a thought

Looking closly at the picture, particuly the very slight round shadowing around the larger dimple, is it possible the owner has already try'd the 'knocking em back in' bit and disguised how 'bad' they were originally?

Like I say just a thought.