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For Sale again with added premium lol!
silky16v - 23/1/14 at 11:14 PM UK&hash=item4acf1604da

Some dealer trying to cash in and make a load of extra cash even copied my advert word for word!!!!!

[Edited on 23/1/14 by silky16v]

coozer - 23/1/14 at 11:24 PM

Not funny is it...

gavin174 - 24/1/14 at 04:04 AM

did you get what you wanted when you sold it?

if so whats the problem in someone else trying to sell it for more?

if you didnt... maybe you shouldn't have sold it!

Daddylonglegs - 24/1/14 at 08:05 AM

Must admit, once I sell something I don't care if the buyer makes cash on it. I sell something for a good reason at the time, and if it involves letting it go for less than I wanted then so be it. No matter how much it is worth to me financially or otherwise, stuff is only worth what someone will pay for it at the time.

Doesn't make it right copying your advert though

loggyboy - 24/1/14 at 08:52 AM

Just because he asking it, doesnt mean he'll get it!

theduck - 24/1/14 at 09:01 AM

Copying the wording is a bit off but making a profit is business. I sold a hard top recently to a bloke I know to be a reseller of tops and fitting kits, but I got a better price than I wanted, so all good as far as I am concerned. If he makes a profit on it then good for him.

matt_gsxr - 24/1/14 at 11:48 AM

If he is a dealer then won't he have to supply some kind of warrantee? that costs money (on average) and benefits the customer.

Personally I'd have thought be better waiting a few months before selling (weather and post-Christmas poverty).

sdh2903 - 24/1/14 at 11:55 AM

I always thought you sold it too cheap (both coozer and silky)

Dealer can sell for whatever he wants if it's his property and offer warranty and possibly finance on the car. Even at the inflated price it's still not bad for a 200bhp+ MNR.

silky16v - 24/1/14 at 01:13 PM

Not bitter at all was happy for what i sold it for even made a small profit, if thats what folk are thinking lol!

plus its been sold on already to who i sold it too and now up for sale again

What annoys me is he's blatantly copying my advert, and then having not done any research on the car and then putting 2.5k on the price i think its funny that the seller with 0% feedback is trying to flog it on eBay

hope he thinks it will sell for that price, i had fun with that car built and altered things to my liking
the engine is a peach and thats the best part of it, it just was let down by the standard type 9 and the rear diff ratio
but i wasn't going to plough the best part of 1.5K to change those items as i had an operation and wasn't using it anymore

anyhow hope someone buys it and enjoys it as much as did, if i ever buy another it will have to turbo'd and be something that will make me smile every time i use it

silky16v - 24/1/14 at 01:19 PM

Originally posted by coozer
Not funny is it...

is that directed at me cause i sold it for more than i bought off you for?

lets not go there cause it was a vastly different/better spec and safer car than i bought off you!!!

[Edited on 24/1/14 by silky16v]

coozer - 24/1/14 at 01:31 PM

No Matt, not at you. I got what I wanted:-)

mcerd1 - 24/1/14 at 01:37 PM

Originally posted by silky16v
What annoys me is he's blatantly copying my advert, and then having not done any research on the car and then putting 2.5k on the price i think its funny that the seller with 0% feedback is trying to flog it on eBay

I think the lack of research and/or understanding is evident enough in the title of the ebay add: when it says 'Duratec Engine'
the bit copied from the old add clearly states that its an ST170 engine, but I guess the dealer thinks it'll be worth more with the 'duratec' badge on it
I know the ST170 engine says 'duratec' on it, but thats stretching the truth as much as the caterham in the title

having said that its pretty standard for motor traders/sales not to have a clue about whats actually under the bonnet these days
I've just got myself a new tin-top (1.8 C-Max with 'real' duratec HE), but some things I was told when looking at very similar cars include:
- the 1.6 is the same as the 1.8 an 2.0 engines (1.6's are the old zetec SE with a new badge and couple of tweaks)
- the 1.8 has an iron block (only true withe the old zetec E which was never fitted to the c-max)
- they don't have dual mass flywheels
- no petrol engines have EGR
and various other lies - I wish they could just admit they don't know

and that was from a specialist ford dealer that had previously sworn blind that an old focus I was looking at was a 1.6 - when it was clearly either a 1.8 or 2.0 like the one I had just driven in with (inlet / exhausts on opposite sides)

[Edited on 24/1/2014 by mcerd1]

markmcc21 - 16/2/14 at 01:36 PM

Iv just phoned the dealer there with an offer as im really wanting something like this, he accepted it, not sure if im allowed to quote it but what would you guys say is a good realistic price to pay for this?

And to who ever has owned it in the past (seems to be a few ppl) what is it like to drive compared to a BEC? obv 205bhp is a lot compared to a 180bhp BEC. and what ££ would be needed to improve it? rear disk upgrade over drums, etc.

Thanks. Mark.

Paul Turner - 19/2/14 at 12:08 PM

Just looked at the listing, the seller is clearly dishonest.

In the title it says "Caterham Kit Car", this is clearly untrue.

In the title it says "2.0 Duratec Engine" yet in the listing it says its an ST170 engine. As we all know the ST170 engine is a Zetec Blacktop with VVT and "Duratec" written on the cam cover, it has nothing in common whatsoever with a genuine Duratec engine. Read further in the listing and the seller clearly says its a Zetec.

IMHO the listing should be pulled until the seller lists it correctly with no misleading info.

markmcc21 - 19/2/14 at 12:19 PM

For them reasons and the fact it was sold for £7k to the pre-previous owner last yr I decided not to go ahead with my £8k offer. I shudv offered alot less.

loggyboy - 19/2/14 at 01:12 PM

Originally posted by Paul Turner
Just looked at the listing, the seller is clearly dishonest.

In the title it says "Caterham Kit Car", this is clearly untrue.

In the title it says "2.0 Duratec Engine" yet in the listing it says its an ST170 engine. As we all know the ST170 engine is a Zetec Blacktop with VVT and "Duratec" written on the cam cover, it has nothing in common whatsoever with a genuine Duratec engine. Read further in the listing and the seller clearly says its a Zetec.

IMHO the listing should be pulled until the seller lists it correctly with no misleading info.

Just a slight overreaction!

Whilst keyword spamming is fround upon, at no point does he say its a Caterham - its clearly states its an MNR/Vortx in both the title and the listing.
The ST170 lump IS a duratec, as thats the name Ford called it, no one else has added the Duratec name to it. Whilst it is strictly a zetec underneath, when in st170 form there is no harm in calling it a Duratec. If I bought a late 90s Mazda 121 I would expect any advertsiser to say thats its acctually a fiesta underneath with mazda badges!

Kit cars are specialist items, and any prospective purchaser should either know the above alreadt, or do some research and find it out. Its not missleading IMO, its just 'tainted', which lets face it, is standard for ebay.

PS i have no affilation with the car or the seller.

Paul Turner - 19/2/14 at 01:45 PM

Originally posted by loggyboy
Just a slight overreaction!

Don't think so.

It clearly says "Caterham Kit Car" in the listing title, that is a lie. There is no way you can describe a MNR Vortex (however well built) as a Caterham.

As for the Duratec/Zetec bit the seller is clearly relying on any prospective buyer seeing the word "Duratec" and assuming its the latest Ford motor. He has covered his arse by using the "Z" word later but its not in the title.

If a seller cannot list an item accurately its obvious they are either 1) stupid 2) dishonest 3) hoping the buyer is stupid.

I could go on.

mcerd1 - 19/2/14 at 03:24 PM

Originally posted by Paul Turner
He has covered his arse by using the "Z" word later but its not in the title.

He's not covering anything - he's just copied silky16v's add word for word (look at the first post in this thread)

if silky16v had written "i'm a little tea pot, short and stout, here is my handle, here is my spout..." then I'm sure that would also have been in the add too

[Edited on 19/2/2014 by mcerd1]

beaver34 - 19/2/14 at 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Paul Turner
Originally posted by loggyboy
Just a slight overreaction!

Don't think so.

It clearly says "Caterham Kit Car" in the listing title, that is a lie. There is no way you can describe a MNR Vortex (however well built) as a Caterham.

As for the Duratec/Zetec bit the seller is clearly relying on any prospective buyer seeing the word "Duratec" and assuming its the latest Ford motor. He has covered his arse by using the "Z" word later but its not in the title.

If a seller cannot list an item accurately its obvious they are either 1) stupid 2) dishonest 3) hoping the buyer is stupid.

I could go on.

it says caterham in the title to get people looking at it, if i were to sell my car on eBay i would also have caterham and westfield in the title along with kit car and race track car its fair game for eBay, its how it works.

the engine is badged and known of a duratec even if it based on the zetec so he is not telling fibs its what Ford call the ST170 engine

you pay more for an item at a dealer as its a safer purchase in theory than buying from dave in his shed, i would say its fair business

Paul Turner - 19/2/14 at 03:58 PM

Originally posted by beaver34
it says caterham in the title to get people looking at it

It says Caterham in the title in the hope people will think it is one and buy it.

You don't put BMW in the advert for an old Rover 100 (even though BMW owned the company at the time) so why would you put Caterham in the title for the sale of what is a cheaper less desirable car with no pedigree or history.

Not saying there is anything wrong with the MNR Vortex, there is a place for all these kits. Just don't pretend its something that it isn't and never will be.

Originally posted by beaver34
its fair game for eBay, its how it works

Adverts should be clear and honest, there is no reason to support such obvious misleading text on e-bay or anywhere.

loggyboy - 19/2/14 at 04:26 PM

Your idea of misleading is obviously a little different to mine then.

If it said '2008 Caterham 2.0 Duratec engine 206bhp Omex throttle bodies MNR Vortx kit car'
Then I could understand it.

But its just there for the keywords - its how ebay's search works. (admittidly less so in last year or so as they moved to a diferent type of engine.)

beaver34 - 19/2/14 at 05:21 PM

Originally posted by Paul Turner
Originally posted by beaver34
it says caterham in the title to get people looking at it

It says Caterham in the title in the hope people will think it is one and buy it.

You don't put BMW in the advert for an old Rover 100 (even though BMW owned the company at the time) so why would you put Caterham in the title for the sale of what is a cheaper less desirable car with no pedigree or history.

Not saying there is anything wrong with the MNR Vortex, there is a place for all these kits. Just don't pretend its something that it isn't and never will be.

Originally posted by beaver34
its fair game for eBay, its how it works

Adverts should be clear and honest, there is no reason to support such obvious misleading text on e-bay or anywhere.

if they are stupid enough to buy a car based on the top line advert on an eBay listing other than read the actual factual decription then they deserve it IMO

coyoteboy - 19/2/14 at 06:40 PM


it says caterham in the title to get people looking at it, if i were to sell my car on eBay i would also have caterham and westfield in the title along with kit car and race track car its fair game for eBay, its how it works.

Keyword spamming is the most irritating and stupid thing on Ebay, don't advertise it as something it isn't, don't list everything it's similar to. If I wanted something similar but not the thing I was looking for I'd browse by catagory, not search for a specific keyword.


I've actually managed to find items by searching for things like what I was looking for, but they didn't have the correct keywords for what they actually are - that takes the biscuit and explains why it can be so damned hard to buy and sell stuff on fleabay, if you have to guess what someone might have called something because they don't know what it is called or they think it sounds better as.

As for selling at a premium - that's fine if they bought it for the asking price. If they haggled someone down or played a sob story, then immediately go out and flog it for more I feel it's a bit unfair.

[Edited on 19/2/14 by coyoteboy]

jossey - 19/2/14 at 06:54 PM

Won't be long before it gets removed with this wording. Caterham are quick on this stuff normally.