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Public transport from Gatwick Airport to Croydon?
alistairolsen - 31/7/09 at 10:21 AM

I need a locost way to get from Gatwick airport (RH6 0NP) to CR2 8YA. My flight lands at 2210 on the 28th of August, so probably leaving around half past.

So far Ive got really expensive taxis, and some express busses that go straight into London.

Does anyone local have any ideas?


Mike S - 31/7/09 at 10:24 AM

Train from Gatwick to East Croydon

mcerd1 - 31/7/09 at 10:28 AM

what about the train ?
the station is in the airport and goes strait to east croydon

thats how I got there a few months back

and you can book the train in advance if you want it cheaper

[too slow again ]

[Edited on 31/7/09 by mcerd1]

Guinness - 31/7/09 at 10:29 AM

Trainline suggests Gatwick to East Croydon is £5 single. Trains run every 10 mins or so.

Then you are 3 miles from East Croydon to the postcode given. Can't be more than a £10 in a mini cab? Or risk a bus?


alistairolsen - 31/7/09 at 10:30 AM

can you get a taxi easily enough from east croydon for the last 3.5 miles?

fuzzy!! - 31/7/09 at 10:36 AM

no problem with cabs at all. EC is on a major route. You shouldn't have any problems at all.

Total journey using the fast train (15 mins same price) will probably be less than 30mins

Enjoy Croydon!

alistairolsen - 31/7/09 at 10:37 AM

Cheers guys! My gf and I got a good deal on a weekend here:

but I dont think its geared towards poor ex students serving a driving ban

Surrey Dave - 31/7/09 at 12:22 PM

I wouldn't wander around Croydon that time of day!!!

I only live 7 miles away and never go there......

Kriss - 31/7/09 at 01:07 PM

i live in cr8

I think a ticket is about £7 to Croydon.

Purley is a decent train station too and nearer the residential areas south of croydon so try seeing it that stop is good for you.

if it was earlier in the day i would suggest picking you up as i am round that way after gym

rusty nuts - 31/7/09 at 06:26 PM

Train from Gatwick and the tram will still be running at that time of night