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New bicycle
Browser - 18/5/10 at 12:49 PM

I am aware that talking about a new bicycle on a car forum is akin to heresy, but I like it and I'm proud of it so I don't care!

Purchased via my works cyclescheme and will be used for commuting, in a vain attempt to prevent me becoming a terminally fat barsteward!
It's a Tifosi CK7 Classic, and will have a rack transferred over from my old machine, together with lights, bottle cage and as little else as I can get away with so it doesn't end up weighing a ton!
First impressions are it's a LOT faster than my old ride, which wouldn't be hard as that's a 10+-year-old steel-framed Falcon Explorer, and it's one of the few bikes I've owned which actually feels like it fits me. Me is a happy bunny now

55ant - 18/5/10 at 12:53 PM

cool, its all about cycling, ive got my comfy roady and my not so comfy tt bike, i cycle round to my aunts garage to get the indy and it always feels weird cycling home after being all noisy in the kit car.

adithorp - 18/5/10 at 01:06 PM

I almost bought one of those as a new "winter bike" before deciding my old one would do for another year. Very good value for the kit/spec' thats on it.


cd.thomson - 18/5/10 at 01:10 PM

ohh I like it! Looks like a great commuter.

My project once the car is through IVA is to take my old peugeot steel racing bike frame and build it into a "fashionable" singlespeed fixed gear

adithorp - 18/5/10 at 03:37 PM

Originally posted by cd.thomson
ohh I like it! Looks like a great commuter.

My project once the car is through IVA is to take my old peugeot steel racing bike frame and build it into a "fashionable" singlespeed fixed gear

How old is it and does it have long horizontal rear drop-outs? If not you can't convert to fixed as you won't be able to tension the chain. You could convert to single freewheel useing a tensioner arm.


locoR1 - 18/5/10 at 03:45 PM

Just waiting till next month for the bike to work scheme to start at my employer Haven't been on a push bike for years!
Not looking forward to the first few weeks recon its going to hurt a bit

Ours is tied in with Halfords very tempted by the carbon fiber framed mountain bike they do

Browser - 18/5/10 at 05:25 PM

Originally posted by adithorp
I almost bought one of those as a new "winter bike" before deciding my old one would do for another year. Very good value for the kit/spec' thats on it.


Aye, that's what drew my eye to it. I had asked for Campag groupset but there is a difficulty obtaining either Campag or specifically the Campag Comp triple I wanted, so I ended up with Shimano Tiagra, which I don't think is too shabby. I did look a Shimano 105, then picked myself up from the dead faint I'd fallen into and stuck with Tiagra!

johhny5 - 18/5/10 at 07:07 PM

If you are tied to Halfords, take a good look at the Boardman range of bikes they sell.
The right ups are real good.
It was what i was going to get then they changed our scheme to Evans but hey ho, i got a nice Specalized hybrid instead:

locoR1 - 18/5/10 at 07:31 PM

Yup already had a look still trying to decide between the Carrera Titan Carbon mountain bike or go for the Boardman Hybrid Pro
The Boardman would probably be more suitable for what i would use it for but i like carbon was thinking if i changed the tyres the Carrera would be ok.

Originally posted by johhny5
If you are tied to Halfords, take a good look at the Boardman range of bikes they sell.
The right ups are real good.
It was what i was going to get then they changed our scheme to Evans but hey ho, i got a nice Specalized hybrid instead:

Simon - 18/5/10 at 11:59 PM

Nice bike

When my current C2W bike is "paid for" (next March), I'll be doing it again for a road bike - that'll then be three bikes.

Wanna see how much easier it is on a road bike compared to nobblies

Would deffo recommend scheme to anyone considering getting a bike, but do remember if you work for a small co (or any co that doesn't yet do c2w) that you can arrange the scheme yourselves and don't need Halfords, Evans or any other organised scheme.



Browser - 19/5/10 at 06:31 PM

Got the VDO computer attached today and took it down the road, and found myself easily cruising along at 17mph, a speed I had to push to average on my old bike! Probably down to the much higher quality components on this one plus 20mm as opposed to 28mm tyres.
I'm hoping that once I get used to it my average speed should go up rather a lot.