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what do you think of this news story
JoelP - 29/10/10 at 07:31 PM

cant help but think that a plea of not guilty due to temporary insanity might have got him off altogether. Members of the jury would maybe accept that someone pissing through your letterbox is outrageous, and that 'flipping' was quite understandable after a history of suffering.

bitsilly - 29/10/10 at 07:47 PM

The poor chap who was stabbed is now dead. We have all at one time or other been irresponsible while a little out of it. My heart goes out to all involved and it is tragic that the c*^% was put out of his misery so quick, I'd have at least cut his bits off and shoved them down his throat. Why does noone have to take responsibility for their actions these days, is it always someone elses/societies fault?

liam.mccaffrey - 29/10/10 at 07:54 PM

Difficult one really, obviously regrettable that anyone died but I do believe that you have the right to defend your home and I reserve the right to "flip" should I find someone in my house when they shouldn't be.

That said even if the chap had survived, getting stabbed for pissing through a letter box is over the top.

Dusty - 29/10/10 at 08:51 PM

Set it off against this one. Opposite events. Thug nearly killed a stranger with no shred of justification. Luckily the poor old victim didn't die. Told off very severely. Suspended sentence.

[Edited on 29/10/10 by Dusty]

[Edited on 29/10/10 by Dusty]

mediabloke - 29/10/10 at 08:58 PM

I guess it depends on the nature of the previous history that is noticeably missing...

If the letterbox incident was genuinely the "last straw" in a history of trouble / violence, I can fully sympathise with the guy. You can't condone his actions as a response to a single action, but it amazes me the way in which the scope has been narrowed to a single event.

Interesting to wonder what the judge or jury would have done if they found themselves subject to the same... [shakes head in disbelief]

whitestu - 29/10/10 at 09:06 PM

The guy is not of anything in my book. Just defending his property.

MikeRJ - 29/10/10 at 09:59 PM

One less piece of scum in the world, I won't be shedding any tears for him personally.

I feel sorry for the yobs little lad, though with a father like that he never stood a chance of growing up to be decent person.

adithorp - 30/10/10 at 07:13 AM

Kick the c**k sticking through the door... understandable.
Open the door and punch the t**t in the face... understandable.
Kill someone for pissing on your carpet... understandable???

BigGeoff - 30/10/10 at 07:19 AM

If a few more people killed those nicking or messing with their property the "dregs" might get the idea that its not acceptable to take or damage what's not theirs. I say good on the guy.

jollygreengiant - 30/10/10 at 07:49 AM

I bet NOBODY would have dared to pee through the letter box of the guy who died, and I reckoen that if they had retribution would have been similar but of the 'books' judging by some of the alledged history. It just makes me wonder WHY some of these people think its great to behave in a manner that is or would be 'unacceptable' to them. I see this sort of behavior quite often, some one has just come out of a pub or eatery and the first thing they have do do after exiting is have a pee in a shop doorway. WHAT was wrong with using the toilets where they have just come from.
Society has become too leinient and the police and jails too soft. Too many petty crimes are let go and the ultimate result is what has happened. Bring back the local Bobbies and put them back on the street. Centralised policing does NOT work.

scootz - 30/10/10 at 07:55 AM

Knocking lumps out of chummy would have been understandable, but can't really condone going to get a knife and stabbing him.

Not going to shed a tear over it though!

mangogrooveworkshop - 30/10/10 at 09:25 AM

In my former homeland the thug would have been shot.......simples

To many bleeding heart liberals in this country

GMPMotorsport - 30/10/10 at 03:49 PM

One less tw*t to worry about!

interestedparty - 30/10/10 at 04:54 PM

People who say the guy should have given the pisser a good hammering instead- maybe that wasn't an option? I expect the guy doing the pissing thought he could get away with it because he was 'harder' than his victim.

JoelP - 31/10/10 at 09:15 AM

Originally posted by interestedparty
People who say the guy should have given the pisser a good hammering instead- maybe that wasn't an option? I expect the guy doing the pissing thought he could get away with it because he was 'harder' than his victim.

quite right, he couldnt just punch him because they would, in all likelyhood, have kicked 10 balls out of him for it - as it was they seem to have trashed his flat and threatened to burn him alive before the police got there. I think it was a choice between carrying on taking s*** for the rest of his life, or flip out and at least not go to his grave feeling like everyone took him for a muppet all his life. Whatever else you say, he's had the last laugh on the pisser now.

At least he will probably be out in 2 years and free to move on (in a new area maybe )

Ninehigh - 31/10/10 at 01:54 PM

Originally posted by adithorp
Kick the c**k sticking through the door... understandable.
Open the door and punch the t**t in the face... understandable.
Kill someone for pissing on your carpet... understandable???

Yes, yes, and damn right. At the very least he'd have lost his c**k as I'd have stabbed him through the letterbox. I also think it would be worth getting a c**t's pee all over my back in order to stick said knife through the catflap and slash his achilles.

Where's our right to be free of crime? If he'd lived and been arrested I guarantee you that carpet wouldn't have been even cleaned never mind replaced.