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should i be worried?
theconrodkid - 30/10/10 at 11:01 AM

just rung up my G/F,she tells me she is going to a "new brides exibition"...should i be worried

steve m - 30/10/10 at 11:04 AM

Why ???

Shes found some else?

bitsilly - 30/10/10 at 11:09 AM

Just don't let your wife find out.

whitestu - 30/10/10 at 11:09 AM


coozer - 30/10/10 at 11:12 AM

Perfect excuse not to ring her again!

Jasper - 30/10/10 at 11:18 AM

If she hasn't asked you along as well then relax, she must have someone else in mind

StevieB - 30/10/10 at 12:31 PM

Only need to worry if she's going on her own and not just as company for one of her friends...

blakep82 - 30/10/10 at 12:39 PM

when's the next leap year?

balidey - 30/10/10 at 12:46 PM

If you start running now you should be fine

Thurbs - 30/10/10 at 12:47 PM

Kiss your car budget goodbye !!!!

DorsetStrider - 30/10/10 at 03:23 PM

No there is no need to be worried...

...terrified beyond all rational thought is a more appropriate response

snakebelly - 30/10/10 at 04:46 PM

wot he said /

graememk - 30/10/10 at 05:02 PM

well i've been with Amy for 14 years in january, she keeps saying wedding and i say new carpet.

steve m - 30/10/10 at 06:01 PM

"she keeps saying wedding and i say new carpet."

in the indy !

Bumble - 30/10/10 at 06:11 PM

Run for the hills!!

rusty nuts - 30/10/10 at 06:40 PM

Time to leave the country

AndyW - 30/10/10 at 07:01 PM

marriage is wife understands me and actually tells me I'm going to spend the evening in the garage. Even if I come in and sit down she says "Are you going out to the garage?" I always say "yes dear"......

lotusmadandy - 30/10/10 at 07:08 PM

Be afraid.....Be very afraid


kipper - 30/10/10 at 10:09 PM

For gods sake man run and hide,my g/f came home one night and anounced the wedding was arranged and thats when it all started to go wrong.
We were married and it lasted about three years.
The divorce was expensive but worth it but was avoidable if I had resisted the pressure to wed.
I repeat,,,,,,,,,,,, run,,,,,,,,,, now.
Unless she is a real cracker
Regards Denis

Ninehigh - 31/10/10 at 01:45 PM

I'd be worried she's going to get ideas, however if she brings something back be s**t scared