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Scrap man just saw the contents of my garage - bum
Dangle_kt - 15/4/12 at 03:03 PM

Saw scrappy in the street, ran out without thinking cos I had some steel I've been tripping over for weeks in the garage.

Went to get it out whilst him and his lad were loading some other stuff on the van.

Wasn't thinking about it properly and opened me garage up, I saw the young lad clock everything in there

Its only a few scrappy old dirt bikes for the kids and me to mess about on but I'm really worried I'm going to get broken into now. I don't trust scrappies, and his eyes practically lit up.

Whats really annoying is I'm super careful about not leaving the garage door open for a second, so no one see's what in there.

Not really car related, but I'm not happy with myself at all.

Looks like I'll have to invest a load in making the garage more secure (except the house is rented so can't do too much!)

Maybe I'm paranoid, but having been done over twice in another house for similar bike I'm feeling more than a little twitchy!

blakep82 - 15/4/12 at 03:13 PM

the, er, 'traveller' type, or actual business scrap man type with a yard in town somewhere?
travellers, i wouldn't have given him anything anyway, i'd prefer tripping over it. proper scrap man, don't think you specifically need to worry. he's got a lot more to lose from breaking in

carlknight1982 - 15/4/12 at 03:18 PM

I got one of these only takes 4 little holes in the floor and i feel alot more secure with it on there

Ebay Link

Dangle_kt - 15/4/12 at 03:31 PM

yeah - they look good!

T66 - 15/4/12 at 03:35 PM

Travelling scrappers in my experience tend to be interested in whats lying about, rather than screwing your garage. Untraceable , unidentifiable bits of scrap hold less of a worry for him, than your welder, television etc.

Not good practice letting them see in however, I had a tarmac laying version approach me in the garage, clocked everything. And Im very careful.

I always park the Land Rover infront of the open door, denies the passing players opportunity to clock, shut the door when I go in the house.

You will be fine (famous last words)

JoelP - 15/4/12 at 03:35 PM

Wouldnt trust any of them myself, traveller or not. You can imagine the sort of person who gets a van just to go out begging and stealing, which is basically what they do.

carlknight1982 - 15/4/12 at 03:44 PM

only other think i did was use coachbolts to bolt a 1/4 thick steel plate to the area behind the garage defender along the length of the door as i thought they might try to bend the door over it,

plus in pretty sure your landlord wont mind you making security improvements to there property, mine didnt

coozer - 15/4/12 at 04:09 PM

mad4x4 - 15/4/12 at 05:42 PM

Originally posted by coozer

That just paints cute dogs in a bad light... Better with a

HowardB - 15/4/12 at 07:08 PM

not the ideal solution, but in a rented house, my brother kept his motor bike in the kitchen!

Single of course!

that was after the first one was stolen from a locked and barred brick shed

les g - 15/4/12 at 07:28 PM

flippin heck where do you lot live...
here in Cornwall we still go out without lockiing the frontdoor.
guess we are just lucky
cheers les g

Ninehigh - 15/4/12 at 07:47 PM

Originally posted by mad4x4
That just paints cute dogs in a bad light... Better with a

And make a stand with one of these?

ali f27 - 15/4/12 at 08:31 PM

If it was genuine scrap man no prob but if pikeys watch yer back 90% of crime is pikeys and drugies if they stop stealing we would be more friendly to travellers i have nothing against the ones who dont steal from me simples would get pissed off with the queen if she keeped steal my hard earned equpment

Dangle_kt - 15/4/12 at 10:30 PM

Fingers crossed it will all be ok, the garage is pretty solid, and I have houses facing my garage door manned the nosey neighbours.

Cheap CCTV and garage defenders are on order

Alan B - 16/4/12 at 06:55 PM

Originally posted by HowardB brother kept his motor bike in the kitchen!

Single of course!


Him or the bike?

chris_harris_ - 16/4/12 at 07:22 PM

The same happened to me last week as I was working in the garage with the door open. I made sure they got a good 'paddington, stare from me so I can recognise them again in a line up.

But it does make me worry. I do live in a nice area. But you just never know and the emotionl impact of a break in and associatedloss is much harder than the monetary value as well in my opinion.

Think I will also invest in one of those locking devices. Alternatively, and in true locost style I could pull some scrap metal out that I would normally give the legit scrap man, and make my own!

Fingers crossed for us all!!

pewe - 16/4/12 at 07:43 PM

They're not all bad.
I had some off-cuts lying on the drive and the local guy asked if I wanted to sell it.
When I said "no" he asked me to take it out of sight as "the pikies will nick it and you'll think it's me"!
Couldn't fault that.
Even so some of the above suggestions worth considering.
Cheers, Pewe10

MikeR - 16/4/12 at 08:33 PM

The one good thing about the 'scrapman' around here is they all play a bloody annoying tune out of a tannoy. This gives you some warning they're coming and you can make sure doors are closed. I've got a 5' gate and usually an SMAX parked infront of that. I don't want people seeing in but i'm still paranoid just in case - 12 years work and savings are in there, one day it will be finished.