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Dental disaster - what to do now ?
clairetoo - 16/8/12 at 06:15 PM

I had a major tooth catastrophe today I grabbed a bacon and egg roll from the fast food van near work today , and two bites in there was a massive crack/crunch - and my bridge (front teeth...) was hanging by a thread .
I got in at my dentist straight away , she pulled it out , and announced one broken tooth , and the bond on the other tooth failed .
Its now glued back in place , but I've been told to be very careful with what I eat as it wont be very strong now , to fix it properly will require root canal/pin and a new bridge

And this is gonna cost far more than I can afford - so what do I do next ? The burger van does have public liability insurance (I checked straight away)

owelly - 16/8/12 at 06:26 PM

Can you not get the dentist to treat you as an emergency thus getting it done on the NHS for the cheaper fee?

maccmike - 16/8/12 at 06:28 PM

You dont mention if there was anything foreign in the sandwich.
If there was nothing, bit too americanesque with the blame/claim if you ask me.

Wheels244 - 16/8/12 at 06:31 PM

What was in the sandwich - rocks ??
I don't see how it could be their fault.

[Edited on 16/8/12 by Wheels244]

clairetoo - 16/8/12 at 06:35 PM

Originally posted by maccmike
You dont mention if there was anything foreign in the sandwich.
If there was nothing, bit too americanesque with the blame/claim if you ask me.

There had to be something in there - I bit down onto something very hard that I wasnt expecting to be there as soft bread , non-crispy bacon and fried eggs aren't hard enough to break teeth !
As for blame/claim........... would you just keep quiet and find the money from somewhere (could be as much as £1000)

Something broke it - and since I was eating at the time , it had to be something to do with what I was eating.....

scootz - 16/8/12 at 06:41 PM

I'd get the tooth taken out and a falser with plate made up. I've spent a fortune on a single tooth that keeps breaking and next time it goes I'm demanding it gets removed!

clairetoo - 16/8/12 at 06:52 PM

When the bridge was first done , it was needed because of a broken crowned front tooth (caused by something in an asda pizza) - I had a false tooth for six months then , and it drove me up the wall . I'm not going through that hell for the rest of my life - if the only option is to contact a no win/no fee ambulance chaser , then that is what I will do .

jossey - 16/8/12 at 07:04 PM

I hear someone on here used metal glue stuff lol

maskell01 - 16/8/12 at 07:16 PM

Just as devils advocate, could it not just be a case of soft teeth?

as you have seem to be eating very soft food.......i.e pizza, bacon and eggs etc

Ive seen rugby players take a boot without teeth breaking!


dlatch - 16/8/12 at 07:19 PM

i can't see how u can prove there was something in the roll that broke your bridge without the offending item.

If you are not registered with a NHS dentist and are paying private fee's then why not find a NHS dentist as the top rate fee they can charge you is just over £200 so if you have the work done you are £800 better off than if you went private.
hope you get it fixed soon dentists are the biggest crooks going i loathe them

r1_pete - 16/8/12 at 07:28 PM

Unfortunately for you Claire, in such a claim the burdon of proof is with you, so unless you have the something which broke your teeth, and can link it to the sandwich, and also proove the previous dental work was sound, I'm afraid you're on a hiding to nothing.

I do sympathise, I have a lot of very expensive crowns, the last one I had fail I was outbount in an airport, I religiously get them checked every six months now.....

clairetoo - 16/8/12 at 07:49 PM

I just happen to have the offending roll in my freezer - including that half chewed final if there is something in there hopefully it still will be .

r1_pete - 16/8/12 at 07:59 PM

Originally posted by clairetoo
I just happen to have the offending roll in my freezer - including that half chewed final if there is something in there hopefully it still will be .

Nice one, go for it then, thats what they have liability insurance for.

Start with Citizens advice, they'll reccomend the way forward..

D Beddows - 16/8/12 at 09:55 PM

I think I would have examined the roll by now rather than sticking it in the freezer! play devils advocate you could have put anything in it before sticking it in the freezer so I don't see any benefit in saving a bacon and egg roll for forensic evidence!

You have my sincerest sympathy's though - owch

Irony - 17/8/12 at 07:54 AM

This idea may seem a bit out there but it has worked for two people I know.

I was backpacking through Thailand and I went on a 4 day trek through the jungle (it seemed be the right thing to do at the time). I met this girl and on the second night she complained of toothache. We were in the jungle and there was little to do about it. By the time we got back to Chaing Mai she was in agony and could barely speak or walk do to severe pain. We took her to the large dentist in Chaing Mai and I feared the worst. I feared scabby waiting rooms, cockroaches on the floor and some sort of drunk thai guy randomly pulling teeth. I couldn't have been more wrong, the place was glorious. Spotlessly clean, marble floors, amazing service. She had a 'double root canal operation'. Dunno what that is but it cost here less than £100 and she said the place was awesome. She visited her dentist back home and he said they'd done a good job. Turns out it was cheaper to fly to thailand, have a holiday and get it done there than getting it done in the UK.

On my travels I met two people out there who had dentist work done and 3 people who had gone out there specifically for plastic surgery.

just a thought..........

hughpinder - 17/8/12 at 01:44 PM

I work with a guy who had a similar thing done on hoilday in egypyt - it was fixed out there at a vewry low cost and his dentist also said the work was good!
I hope it gets fixed ok without having to have the pain of trying to sue!