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New logo and webshop designers
Nick_TitanMsport - 5/7/14 at 08:28 AM

Hi All.

does anyone do this or have a good guy/girl for it. I want to have a logo designed for some business cards etc but also need a Webshop designing and maintaining.

I don't want to get sucked into these cheap internet jobbys as I don't know enough about them. please give me a shout if this is for you.


designer - 5/7/14 at 09:18 AM

Have a word with Atif.

He is a member on here, and is doing a great job for me.

matt_gsxr - 5/7/14 at 12:33 PM

We used a company in Leeds called Mobius Media
They worked really well with us and as a bonus were good value compared to the equivalent company in Oxford.
I'd use them again.
Here is what they built us (the designed the logos and stuff too).

ceebmoj - 5/7/14 at 05:44 PM

I have used

in the past and had good results