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pewe - 9/8/07 at 07:57 PM

Knowing the number of bi-polars on here (i.e cars & bikes) anyone got any comments on/ bought any of the two piece leathers from Busters @£60 a set?
They look too cheap but I'm tempted.
Offer only lasts till tomorrow. Cheers, Pewe

Simon - 9/8/07 at 08:01 PM

I only ever spent good money on bike leathers/helmets as I always valued my skin/bonce.

Pays your money and takes your chance I guess.



joetait - 10/8/07 at 09:09 AM

Alpinestar leathers - I've had 2 major slides and they're still holding together well (unlike the bike!). A good set of leathers usually comes out at ~£600 and then must get a good back protector ~£100. Good gloves ~£60 upwards.
Helmets depend totally on your head size - most people either fit one brand or another properly, rarely both.

I'm a contractor so if I cant work I don't get paid so its worth investing in proper protection. If you're permi staff and get sick pay etc, then perhaps its less important!
Proper back protectors are important as the std. leathers usually have next to no back protection as its assumed you'll use one. Some cheapo jackets have a foam pad in the back which is as good as useless - infact worse, because some people actually think it'll offer protection!


pewe - 10/8/07 at 02:06 PM

Thanks guys. As you gather I was hesitant anyway but more on the grounds that buying mail order is always a bit of a lottery. Agree with you both on cost/benefit equation.
Cheers, Pewe

Dangle_kt - 10/8/07 at 02:26 PM

You've got to try bike leathers on IMO, there like a helmet - all manufactures (and even different styles within a brand) fit slightly differently.

That said, I have gone to a shop, tried on a particular style, got the correct sizes to fit me, and then bought them off the net 2nd hand off ebay. Far to many precious Sunday warrior types have to have their bike match their leathers, and cos they upgrade to the latest and greatest every other week - I get a good price

Thats my locost tip.

02GF74 - 14/8/07 at 10:44 AM

my 2p worth; go for two piece as you can always remove the jacket if it is hot.

but if it is just for track use, then one piece obviously will be stronger.