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Engine mountings
andrewturner - 27/11/08 at 09:43 AM

Please let me know what you think of my engine mountings. Are they to horizontal? Rescued attachment 27112008.jpg
Rescued attachment 27112008.jpg

speedyxjs - 27/11/08 at 09:46 AM

It the engine straight? It looks like its leaning to the right in the pic

andrewturner - 27/11/08 at 09:52 AM

It is about 1 deg to the right only because the gearbox is lying on a crossmember at the moment. But we are splitting hairs. consider it straigh.

Thinking about it - 27/11/08 at 09:52 AM

I think too horizontal.

maartenromijn - 27/11/08 at 09:55 AM

I'd say they are too horizontal. Bear in mind that they will not only have to take the rotation forces, but also the vertical loads. Imagine what happens if you hit a bump at high speed.

02GF74 - 27/11/08 at 10:36 AM

I would agree - 45 degree would be better.

The more horizontal you make them, the more shear force you place on the rubbers; also there is less support of the weight so if the rubber lets go, the engine drops down onto the tarmac.

speedyxjs - 27/11/08 at 12:00 PM

This is what mine are like:

O/S Engine Mount
O/S Engine Mount

They are about 40 degrees

mr henderson - 27/11/08 at 12:43 PM

One of those 'if it doesn't look right, it probably isn't' situations. Presumably you are happy with the engine height, so it's going to be a question of bringing the chassis part of the mounting system closer to the engine, so that the mounting itself can be shortened and the angle increased


andrewturner - 27/11/08 at 03:19 PM

Rescued attachment CIMG5256.JPG
Rescued attachment CIMG5256.JPG

907 - 27/11/08 at 05:51 PM


I think I would angle the lower end of the tube so the rubber mount was horizontal.

Less stress on the rubber that way.

Paul G Rescued attachment E-mount-s.jpg
Rescued attachment E-mount-s.jpg

maartenromijn - 27/11/08 at 06:37 PM

I have seen the solution by 907 before, in 'the book' there is an example as well!

Seems to be a good solution. Also I think the angle as per your latest pic seems to be better.

bimbleuk - 27/11/08 at 07:27 PM

The last pic looks much better and having the rubber at angle cuts down on a lot of side movement which is when it'll be under considerable load.

If you see the RAW engine mounts don't copy them as I've managed to bend mounts on both sides. They use flat plate but not fully boxed which is crap to be honest.

andrewturner - 27/11/08 at 08:11 PM

I made the mounts at an angle because I was told that if the rubber is mounted flat it is always under compression and gives no
'flex" or movement. also if you take a look at any road car all have the engine mounts at an angle