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XR 4x4 diff ratio?
Northy - 13/9/04 at 08:55 PM

Hi guys,

What is the ratio for an XR 4x4 rear diff? I want to put it in the gear ratio spreadsheet to see how it affects my gearing.

I'm not too happy with my gearing at the moment. 1st is a waste of time, and I need to be in 3rd to hit 60, not good for a quick 0-60 time


Viper - 13/9/04 at 08:56 PM

1.62-1 i think...

Northy - 13/9/04 at 08:58 PM

That was quick! 1.62:1 are you sure?

JoelP - 13/9/04 at 08:59 PM

3.62 i suspect he meant!

mackie - 13/9/04 at 09:00 PM

I think he meant 3.62

JoelP - 13/9/04 at 09:04 PM

beat you! and on further thought, it will be the 3.6 LSD diff. what diff do you have now graham? i would've though 3.6 should've been ok with a car engine.

Northy - 13/9/04 at 09:15 PM

I've got a 3.62 at the mo, but I fancy an LSD

This is what I got with a Type 9 and a 3.62:1 diff, is this correct? Rescued attachment Gear ratios.jpg
Rescued attachment Gear ratios.jpg

twinturbo - 13/9/04 at 09:19 PM

Unless it's a 2.0 XR4x4 then it's 3.92


Viper - 13/9/04 at 09:30 PM

must be all the alchahol

ReMan - 13/9/04 at 09:34 PM

Originally posted by twinturbo
Unless it's a 2.0 XR4x4 then it's 3.92


It better had`nt be!!
Mine was from a v6 it should be 3.62? , 0-60 in 2 secs would be good but I dont fancy 12000rpm at 70 mph

JoelP - 13/9/04 at 09:38 PM

Originally posted by twinturbo
Unless it's a 2.0 XR4x4 then it's 3.92


i wish i could argue with that, but you do seem to know a lot about sierras... but it doesnt make sense to me. the v6s rev lower than the 4 pot engines, but with a 3.92 diff ratio they will have a much slower top speed than a 2 litre with a 3.6 ratio. How does that work?

NS Dev - 13/9/04 at 10:38 PM

I am now on my 3rd XR4x4 Sierra (2 2.8's and a 2.9 now) and they all have 3.62:1 diff ratios.

There was never a 3.92:1 ratio available on either the 7 inch or 7.5 inch diffs, and the XR4x4s were all fitted with 7 inch diffs.

The 7 inch was available from Ford only with the 3.62:1 ratio, in XR4x4 2.8, 2.9, Cosworth 4x4 and certain scorpios. The 2wd Sierra Cosworth and the Granada Cosworth were fitted with the 7.5 inch diff which was a 3.64:1 ratio.

(anoraks will inform that a 3.36:1 7.5 inch diff was available on the 2.3 Turbo Merkur XR4Ti but there arean't many of these in the UK!)

Also of note is that the biggest range of ratios was available for the competition oriented 9 inch diff, which had.....3.08:1, 3.25:1, 3.42:1, 3.64:1, 3.82:1, 4.09:1, 4.27:1, 4.44:1, 4.67:1, 4.89:1 and 5.11:1 available!!!!

Unfortunately I don't know what ratios were available for the 6.5 inch diff but no lsd was available for this anyway and it used the tripod output shafts not Lobro ones.

There, now it is confirmed that I am a sad Ford enthusiast, let us say no more about it!! Doh!!

Northy - 14/9/04 at 07:09 AM

Originally posted by NS Dev
There, now it is confirmed that I am a sad Ford enthusiast, let us say no more about it!! Doh!!

You are a sad Ford enthusiast!

But thanks!

twinturbo - 14/9/04 at 07:12 AM

3.62 gives a higher top speed than 3.92

I have had..

3 Standard 2.9's 4x4

1 Twin Turbo 2.9 4x4

2 Twincam 4x4's one of which was convertyed to 2.9 using the 3.92 diffs.

1 Twinturbo 4i

so I know a little about 4x4's too.

An two 1.8's as well..

The ratio for the twincam is to allow it to still be driveable, with the 3.62 the car would not perform well. On the flip side, my 2.9 when fitted with the 3.92 diffs was very quick off the line but topped out earlier.


[Edited on 14/9/04 by twinturbo]

NS Dev - 14/9/04 at 06:00 PM

Ahhhh, seems I may have grasped the wrong end of a pooey stick!

I read all the other posts but not your earlier one Twinturbo! I saw the talk about 3.92 diffs in the 2.9 4x4 which I know is wrong, but it would seem that your post was misread by some others, which confused me!

I have never seen a 3.92 7 inch diff, but then I have never owned a twincam 4x4 (nor would really want to I suppose!), and my Ford data sheet hadn't seen a 3.92 either, but it was printed before the twin cam 4x4 was produced!

Does this mean that in addition to the fairly rare twincam 4x4 sierras, some later granadas/scorpios might have these diffs? If so that sounds a lot better to go with my Vauxhall 16v in my locost, 3.62 lsd is okish but a bit too high really, 3.92 lsd would be much better............................anyone want to swap?????

ReMan - 14/9/04 at 09:11 PM

Originally posted by twinturbo
Unless it's a 2.0 XR4x4 then it's 3.92


I, have,now, re-read, the, thread, 6, more, times, and, have, just, twigged!

Unless it's a 2.0 XR4x4 then it's 3.92
Unless it's a 2.0 XR4x4, then it's 3.92

All happy again

JoelP - 14/9/04 at 09:29 PM

the joys of the english language...

twinturbo - 15/9/04 at 05:05 AM

2.0 XR4x4's are not rare..

Admitidly only produced from 1990 onwards but there's plenty of them arround..

I doubt that the granada will have a 3.92 LSD. And the 2.0 XR4i stupidly has an open diff!!!


Northy - 15/9/04 at 09:30 PM

But is anyone else unhappy with the gearing of there car?

Whats the best (ie cheapest) way to improve it? I'd like to be able to hit 60 in 2nd ideally.


twinturbo - 15/9/04 at 09:50 PM

there's a pair of 2.0 4x4 Diffs on the Bay at the mo..

I know the seller and he's a SOUND chap..

Buy the pair and sell the front one on...


JoelP - 16/9/04 at 07:15 AM

any chance of a link rob?

twinturbo - 16/9/04 at 08:50 AM

God!! do you expect all your slaves to do the hard work for you!!!

Guy is in peterlee in the north east..

He may be pursuaded to split them if you mail him..

Postage should be ok with

I sent one to France and it was not dreadfuly expensive..


Liam - 16/9/04 at 06:29 PM

Oh my god I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed that front diff!!!! Joel - you wanna bid and sell me the front, or i'll bid and sell the rear (or keep it). Hmmmm. Whatever - lets make sure we don't have a bidding battle between us!


twinturbo - 16/9/04 at 09:17 PM

Are you using a 3.92 rear then Liam..

I have a few 3.62 fronts lying arround ...


JoelP - 16/9/04 at 10:11 PM

cheers for the link TT, it was the plural diffs that stumped me when i searched! liam, you have u2u sausage.

Northy - 17/9/04 at 06:51 AM

Hey guys, it was me who wanted a diff!!

But I can't get on Ebay at all here at home. I'll try at work. How much is it?

twinturbo - 17/9/04 at 07:16 AM

£50 for the pair at the moment..


JoelP - 17/9/04 at 07:28 AM

graham, i didnt think you wanted a 3.92 ratio?! let me know if you want it and i wont bid, i promise! but liam wants the front diff which i suspect you dont need! let me know anyway, fella.

Liam - 17/9/04 at 10:01 PM

Ok dudes. I'm gonna bid on those diffs if that's cool. My [highly original] ebay name is Liampope so don't go trying to outbid me (unless you really want to).

I have 3.62s at the moment but am of the opinion, since I'm using a higher revving engine than the donor, that I may want to play with 3.92s at a later date. It ought to be relatively easy to make a 3.92 rear by swapping crownwheels/pinions when the time comes so I'm happy for the rear diff to go to someone who really wants it right now. But this is the first time i've ever seen a 3.92 front diff for sale for good money so I reeeally want to just get this in the bank for later so to speak!

If I win then there'll be a 3.92 rear lsd for sale. What should I bid to, anyone?

Oooh - just had a thought - I better ask the guy if the flanges are still in...


Liam - 17/9/04 at 10:09 PM

Oh i forgot - assuming all goes to plan, does whoever is having the rear diff want to go collect the two =). Only I live a couple of hunred miles from Newcastle. If not I can probably get a mate in Newc to get them for me.

TT - do you happen to know (of course you do) if the 3.92 front is identical externally to the 3.62? No different attatchments, bulges, different prop flange or whatever? Same shafts and all that? Cheers


JoelP - 17/9/04 at 10:28 PM

liam, did you get my u2u? i want the rear diff! and i will outbid you if you dont answer me!

twinturbo - 18/9/04 at 07:04 AM

Front diff is identical in all other respecst. A direct swap for the 3.62..


Northy - 18/9/04 at 10:17 AM

I don't want it guys, I want a 3.62 (or lower, is there anything available?).

Let the bidding waw commence!

seventhheaven - 10/12/10 at 07:15 PM

I've been to the local Ford Dealer and he let me copy all his microfiche. There is absolutely no mention of any other 4x4 diff ratio than 3.62:1. I have seen many 4x4 diffs, Escort Cosworth, Sierra 2.0, XR4x4, Granada etc and I've never seen any other ratio either. - So many, I never even check the ratio any more.

I have put together everything I've found, there are several web pages of all the Ford part numbers / FINIS numbers and drawings in case you are really interested at

So unless Ford made a diff that wasn't listed in their standard spare parts inventory, I reckon there really is only 1 ratio.
There maybe other ratios available as 'special' motorsport parts (I didn't see those catalogs), but according to the man at Ford and all his 'spares' catalogs, not as standard fitment items.

Hope that helps

Liam - 12/12/10 at 10:28 PM

Hello and welcome to the forum! Way to ressurect a 6-year old post . I can't even remember those events - lol. I obviously didn't bid/win, because I ended up breaking a whole 2 litre XR4x4 to get my 3.92s. For your information, 2.0 DOHC Sierra XR4x4 does indeed have 3.92 ratio diffs. I have them. It also has the much better tubular front prop as fitted to Cossies (as opposed to the solid shaft on the V6 XR4x4s). Also has a four-pot fitting 4x4 MT75 that you can sell on with added Cossie tax .


[Edited on 12/12/10 by Liam]