posted on 9/7/02 at 07:13 PM |
July Yorkshire meet
Hello Chaps,
Tomorrow, same bat-time, same bat-channel etc.
I shall be taking the Le mans pics, including the the only one I took of the Plastic Tank Man with his balls out, It became such a common occurrance
that it was hardly worth capturing , but there you go........
Btw PTM it's up to foty times and the size of spacehoppers now!!!
Note to all: I really don't know when to leave well alone. I tried to get clever with the mods, then when they gave me a lifeline to see the
error of my ways, I tried to incite more trouble via u2u. So now I'm banned, never to return again. They should have done it years ago!
Jon Ison
posted on 9/7/02 at 08:15 PM |
weather permiting......don't look good at the mo....
PTM if i'm not at chuff B4 7 iv'e failed......
posted on 9/7/02 at 09:13 PM |
Don't they sell tarpulins in Derbyshire?
Note to all: I really don't know when to leave well alone. I tried to get clever with the mods, then when they gave me a lifeline to see the
error of my ways, I tried to incite more trouble via u2u. So now I'm banned, never to return again. They should have done it years ago!
posted on 9/7/02 at 10:32 PM |
Beat me to it big man. Is it possible to vet the pics before hand or do I have to take it like a man!
Chris PTM
Jon Ison
posted on 10/7/02 at 04:17 PM |
Well i'm home in time, its dry at the mo, wait n see eh......
whats a tarpulin ? summat u use on sheep ?
Jon Ison
posted on 11/7/02 at 04:57 PM |
Well i made it, wish i home at 01.30........doh
posted on 11/7/02 at 05:32 PM |
Hey up Jon,
What happened mate?
Note to all: I really don't know when to leave well alone. I tried to get clever with the mods, then when they gave me a lifeline to see the
error of my ways, I tried to incite more trouble via u2u. So now I'm banned, never to return again. They should have done it years ago!
posted on 11/7/02 at 07:30 PM |
Hi Big man
Jon had fuel pump problems which led to wiring/ignition problems probably caused by hamfisted jury rigged pump wiring. Sorry if I got it wrong Jon.
Any time you need us we'll be there, just try not to make it when I'm on at 6.00am, only kidding!
Chris PTM
Jon Ison
posted on 11/7/02 at 08:31 PM |
hey, i wish i aint seen you last night too, well after 9.30 anyways
Top guys these sludge pumpers, can i still cum to le-man's......
thought so ta....