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Author: Subject: This site has lost its appeal!!!!

posted on 16/8/07 at 12:06 PM Reply With Quote
This site has lost its appeal!!!!

Did anybody else see the disapearing post with the above title. It was only there for about 2 mins. Who was it??

[Edited on 16/8/07 by TGR-ECOSSE]

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David Jenkins

posted on 16/8/07 at 12:09 PM Reply With Quote
Aw! I was going to post a smart-arse answer too!

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posted on 16/8/07 at 01:07 PM Reply With Quote
Yeah, I read it. Was about to post a reply, but thought I would wait to see what it stirred up....

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D Beddows

posted on 16/8/07 at 01:45 PM Reply With Quote
It has been lovely and peacefull on here recently - no childish pointless arguments about who makes the best kit for one thing

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posted on 16/8/07 at 01:47 PM Reply With Quote
i just nipped out for some popcorn

when you start this journey
you think it will be done in " no " time but then " no " turns into a " bloody " long time

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posted on 16/8/07 at 02:06 PM Reply With Quote
So then BEC or CEC? And what do you lot think of the service from GTS?

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Jon Ison

posted on 16/8/07 at 02:08 PM Reply With Quote
BEC and never used GTS, tried to but that's another story and one I have never divulged on here.
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posted on 16/8/07 at 02:14 PM Reply With Quote
Whoever it was, was spot on IMHO.

It used to be a great site with people asking all manner of build related questions.
Now it's for the most part just plain boring.

The wanted section was people who were at the end of their tether trying to get hold of the odd size nut/bolt etc. Now it full of requests for gearboxes, exhausts and other major components that people are too bloody lazy to go and source for themselves.

There is no "lively" debate anymore.

Being philosophical about it I do think it looses a lot of its appeal once you have a completed car on the road.

As far as I’m concerned the turning point was when moderating the posts started. Deleting posts because they don’t fit with the majority view is simply a form of censorship. Peer pressure worked better in my view.
Because of this censorship we lost one of the most lively, helpful contributors on the forum. Sure he rubbed some people up the wrong way but generally they deserved it.

It’s a fact of life that in any group of people you will generally get a good cross section of “types” you will always get the “givers” the “takers” the “intelligent” the “dumb” and the “downright asshole” I have been fortunate to meet some very genuine friends and like minded people on this site (Most, but not all, of whom were at Paul’s last Saturday)
I have also come upon some complete “knob heads” It is unfortunate that most of the “characters” have either moved on now or just got fed up and no longer post.

As the title says,
This site has lost its appeal.

Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want!!!

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David Jenkins

posted on 16/8/07 at 02:27 PM Reply With Quote
Some of the long-term "good guys" have upped and left due to the continual bickering and rudeness that went on a while back. I notice that some are posting again in the past couple of weeks. I shall not comment on the reason for their re-appearance...

We do have a VERY SMALL number of members (who I will NOT name) who tend to post claiming that theirs is the one and only answer, and anyone with a differing view should be hung until slightly dead. OK, I exaggerate a bit, but you know what I mean! Some of the best answers to my car problems have come in U2Us, because that person didn't want to reply on the open forum, which is sad.

I post a lot, but I do try to phrase answers in the following ways:

"I did it this way, it may work for you..."
"You could try it this way..."
"Would it be better if..."

I don't always manage to do it, but I do try as much as possible.

The big saving grace of this site is that it has never been as bad as the old Yahoo group (generally called The Other List, or TOL). That had so many slanging matches on the go at any time, that Locost discussion was impossible!

Just my 2p's worth...

P.S. Moderation was introduced when that pillock was posting obscene images all over the place - many thanks to Fozzie and ChrisW for sorting that business out. Since then, there have been very few instances of direct moderation - far fewer than I have seen in other forums (forii?) - generally it doesn't happen.

[Edited on 16/8/07 by David Jenkins]

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posted on 16/8/07 at 02:28 PM Reply With Quote

well i must say on the whole i agree with you
i pop on most days but it does seem to have lost its spark

when you start this journey
you think it will be done in " no " time but then " no " turns into a " bloody " long time

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posted on 16/8/07 at 02:29 PM Reply With Quote
The site hasnt changed much in the 3 years or so ive had the pleasure of being a member (3 years tomorrow to be precise). It is still great. Yeah there are always views that you dont agree with or advice given that makes you either cringe or laugh but if we were all identical it would be rather boring and pointless.

Moderation is just that - in moderation and i applaude them for a job well done. Everyone gets a say. If its commented on its only by a few.

Id say the site is just right. Just like real life there are times when its good and times when it not so good but overall the trend is positive.

Lets all take a pat on the back.

[Edited on 16/8/07 by DarrenW]

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D Beddows

posted on 16/8/07 at 02:35 PM Reply With Quote
I'm entirely with David Jenkins on this one.

There must be a market for a forum where people/'characters' can just log on when they fancy a pointless row over the internet with a stranger

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posted on 16/8/07 at 02:42 PM Reply With Quote
I've found another hobby now and frequent THIS site quite a lot.
I haven't found one heated discussion yet but hey it's early days.

Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want!!!

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posted on 16/8/07 at 03:23 PM Reply With Quote
What ?

Your new hobby is watching TV ?


The sooner you fall behind, the more time you'll have to catch up.

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posted on 16/8/07 at 03:31 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by twybrow
So then BEC or CEC? quote]

<------------- JEC

How long can i resist the temptation to drop a V8 in?

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omega 24 v6

posted on 16/8/07 at 04:19 PM Reply With Quote
The original poster was Muzchap and I had replied but was then denied access as it had been deleted or removed. For me the site has not lost it's spark, and while many of us have our own opinions, and debate has raged about politeness etc, I personally read the posts for what information may be relevant to me and let the rest wash over me. I do have an opinion on everything but don't always choose to post it. I will however back someone up if I think they are right and others are slagging it of just for the sake of it with no relavent input. One thing that does annoy me is that I've heard of guys getting personal with U2U's and for me that's wrong. If you can get a warning for language and manners on forum then you should get the same for using the forum U2U section to slag members off in private.
THIS IS STILL A GREAT SITE and some people will need help more than others. No one person will ever be always correct and there is usually more than one way to do the job.
Bring on lively debate

If it looks wrong it probably is wrong.

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David Jenkins

posted on 16/8/07 at 04:21 PM Reply With Quote
I fancy a EEC or SEC!

(Electric or steam)

Impractical I know - but would be a laugh!

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posted on 16/8/07 at 04:24 PM Reply With Quote
As forums go, this is a corker. So much inforamtion on just about every topic you care to name. Yes, it can be spoiled by people from time to time, and yes, I get wound up when people post something without first using the search function. But overall, I think this is still a great place to 'hang out' and a fantastic resource for those building or thinking of building.

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Confused but excited.

posted on 16/8/07 at 04:26 PM Reply With Quote
Would a steam powered one utilise small dragons by any chance?

edit: Possibly a couple of whittles?

[Edited on 16/8/07 by Confused but excited.]

Tell them about the bent treacle edges!

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posted on 16/8/07 at 04:28 PM Reply With Quote
I still enjoy this site... it wouldn't be the same without life's fruitful characters!

ATEOTD you only get out of a relationship what you put in. If you think this site is boring then c'est la vie.

I think it is very disappointing when potentially useful information is denied from other members, simply by not posting on the forum and using U2U's! This kind of devoids the very point of the forum itself, and by doing this would kill off the site eventually as no-one would be any the wiser.

Lets see the forum used as it is supposed to be... posted.


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omega 24 v6

posted on 16/8/07 at 04:29 PM Reply With Quote
Would a steam powered one utilise small dragons by any chance?

Not wishing to be antagonistic but there are only Dragons and by and by THEY ARE LARGE

If it looks wrong it probably is wrong.

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posted on 16/8/07 at 05:00 PM Reply With Quote
well without this site i would of never been able to build my indy, it would of never passed sva and wouldnt of managed to get hold of anyone with a brain at dvla

so from me many thanks to all the locostbuilders that helped me

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David Jenkins

posted on 16/8/07 at 05:08 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Confused but excited.
Would a steam powered one utilise small dragons by any chance?

edit: Possibly a couple of whittles?

Remember - a dragon is for life, not just for Hogswatch!

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David Jenkins

posted on 16/8/07 at 05:12 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Hellfire
I think it is very disappointing when potentially useful information is denied from other members, simply by not posting on the forum and using U2U's! This kind of devoids the very point of the forum itself, and by doing this would kill off the site eventually as no-one would be any the wiser.

Lets see the forum used as it is supposed to be... posted.

In more than a couple of cases, the U2Us were from people who knew what they were talking about 100% - it was their real job, and they were/are good at it. Trouble is, when they'd posted previously they'd been told that they were wrong, criticised and generally given a rough time by people who knew three-fifths of sod all - so they didn't post any more on their chosen topic. Big shame.

Still think that this is a damn good forum though.

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posted on 16/8/07 at 05:49 PM Reply With Quote
This site is a fantastic source of info and a good bit of banter too, which is just as it should be. As said, the mods (well Fozzie) only started doing t(her)e thing due to a rather obscene series of posts and major hassling of Flak Monkey, nether of which is, or was ever, justified. From a personal view the site has lost some interest, but only because of the poo weather and the fact that my cars been off the road for coming up to 9 months now. Not lost interest in the site, per se, more getting a bit depressed about walking past her every day on the way out to work.
Still happy to come on here and have a little bit of banter though, and I like to help where I can. I may not always re right, as few of us are, and if wrong, I like to learn why, and how to do things /properly/differently/quicker/cheaper/whatever if the future. All part of the fun.

“Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

My new blog:

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