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U2U issues
clairetoo - 27/8/09 at 08:53 PM

I'm having a problem with opening U2U's - the window opens OK , but when I click on a message it freezes my computer ?
Even closing/reducing the window does the same - for about 30 seconds I cant do anything
I am running firefox and avast antivirus , and the worlds slowest computer probably isnt helping (450 meg pentium 2 , it was second hand when I bought it 5 years ago ) , but this has only been happening in the last week or so

owelly - 27/8/09 at 09:05 PM

If it's any consolation, mine has been doing the same!!! Sometimes the U2U box pops up and then it freezes, sometimes it will open eventually but then freeze when I try to open the messages.....

coozer - 27/8/09 at 10:14 PM

And me, its started when I upgraded my Firefox from 3.0.1.

U2U, freezes Firefox for a half minute or so and then works, but sometimes closing the u2u window shuts all the open windows down.

Patience works for me now, click the u2u, put the kettle on

Fozzie - 27/8/09 at 10:29 PM

Originally posted by coozer
And me, its started when I upgraded my Firefox from 3.0.1.

U2U, freezes Firefox for a half minute or so and then works, but sometimes closing the u2u window shuts all the open windows down.

Yep me too when FireFox upgraded to 3.0.1

I asked ChrisW to test it, and for some reason it is a FF issue not the site.

I ended up rolling back to an older FF version...but..if you don't want to do that, get the IE tab add-on for Fire Fox (Tools>Add-ons....>get Add-Ons) for 'IE tab' install it, then on your tool bar you will see a small rectangle with a green arrow with the blue E for IE, click on that icon and LB will open in IE (but still Fire Fox) can also choose to 'always open LB in the IE tab.......your u2u's will then open fine.....

Claire you really need to upgrade your 'puter..

HTH Fozzie