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help with photos
Highcost builder - 13/8/02 at 09:30 PM

I cant upload my photies there is no browse button to the right, help please.

Alan B - 13/8/02 at 09:43 PM

This problem happened to me and others recently. It has to do with your user name having a space.

You need to contact Chris W I'd guess.

Highcost builder - 13/8/02 at 09:47 PM

Thanks ill wait for chris then

bob - 13/8/02 at 10:26 PM

Or edit your profile if that can be done,and lose the space.

ChrisW - 14/8/02 at 10:58 AM

The space thing should be fixed as of a couple of weeks ago. Have you tried it recently? What do you see instead of a browse button?


Highcost builder - 14/8/02 at 07:51 PM

chris it just say please login to upload ...... but i am logged in!! help

ChrisW - 14/8/02 at 08:02 PM

Highcost - this is quoted from the post AlanB made when he had a problem.


1.Do you have cookies enabled on your system?

2.Does the site remember you when you login or do you need to type your username/password each time you post?

3.Go to and see what it reports. This script is reading the cookies stored in your machine for LocostBuilders and displaying them. In this case it should be your username and password which Internet Explorer enters automatically for you when you come to the site. If you get nothing (or wrong info) it means we've got a cookie problem. (nothing to do with diets!)

Can you also let me know what system you're using ie Windows, MacOS, Linux etc and what broswer (eg Internet Explorer/Netscape/Konquerer)

Let me know and I'll be able to help more.

Cheers, Chris.

Highcost builder - 14/8/02 at 08:06 PM

cookies are fine showing my user and pass
amd1.7gig windows me loads of ram bla bla
i explore

highcostbuilder - 15/8/02 at 08:47 PM

just tried logging in with no space still wont play anything else i can try chris?

johnston - 15/8/02 at 09:02 PM

me havin same hassle 2

Jon Ison - 15/8/02 at 09:22 PM

well i managed it at last..........stil got gap in user name........don't ask me how, i just did........
now all i need is some photo's under 250k, how do i make m smaller ?

ChrisW - 16/8/02 at 06:58 PM

Use paint shop pro or photoshop. A demo of PSP can be got from which is fully functional if you can put up with the nag screen at the beginning.

BTW I'm looking into the uploading problem - it's all a bit strange atm and has got me puzzled. Will let you know how it goes in a couple of days.


highcost builder - 20/8/02 at 09:09 PM

any ideas chris?