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Cant access U2U or stay logged in?
FASTdan - 3/12/09 at 07:55 AM

On my work PC for some reason I can post topics/replies etc but I cant remain signed in. Therefore I cant access my U2U etc. Does anyone know if its a browser setting somewhere thats causing this?

Home PC is fine?

FASTdan - 3/12/09 at 07:57 AM

Just to say, if I go to 'Login' at the top right, it accepts my user name and pass, returns me to the home page but I remain not signed-in ('Login - Register' still appears at top right and U2U's not accessible).

blakep82 - 3/12/09 at 11:12 AM

since no one else has anything to say did it work fine before, or is the first time you've tried it?

maybe cookies are turned off or something? don't know if that would cause it?

cd.thomson - 3/12/09 at 11:13 AM

+1 does sound like a cookie issue.

Fozzie - 3/12/09 at 11:37 AM

+2 It does sound like a browser setting (cookies) issue.

What browser does work use? IE ? (Internet Explorer).....


FASTdan - 3/12/09 at 01:01 PM

i think its IE 6 - its old. its always been like this so not a new problem