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Message For Chris W
locodude - 21/8/02 at 06:40 PM

Hi There
With all these new sections, is there any chance of a x-flow engined car section for us luddites (tongue planted firmly in cheek but ever hopefull)?
Chris PTM
I remember when my engine were all fields!

chrisg - 21/8/02 at 07:49 PM

Yeah and i want a section for cars with no engine in them at all!!



locodude - 21/8/02 at 08:13 PM

Come on big fella, get it fitted for the cadwell trip! or this weekend for a run over the 'cat and fiddle'. See what you're missing just being a passenger!
CG (the real one)

Macca - 21/8/02 at 09:43 PM

How about a section where we can ask for new sections?

locodude - 21/8/02 at 09:59 PM

Nice one macca!

stephen_gusterson - 21/8/02 at 10:16 PM

or a section where we can debate if we need less sections......

or need to BE sectioned



stephen_gusterson - 21/8/02 at 10:30 PM

actually, im starting to feel a bit sorry for those indy guys, so perhaps the extra groups deserve a bit of a go...



ChrisW - 22/8/02 at 11:20 AM

The Indy and BEC groups are intended to lure them away from their respective eGroups in order to get a few more people on here. They may well decide after a few months to merge with existing sections but for the moment they're allowing for an easy progression from the dark side.

BTW the Locost section was so all us building the car from the book didn't feel left out but as was suggested, the site is 'Locost Builders' already so I dropped it.
