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Can not post using Konqueror 3.2.1
chick - 2/6/04 at 01:10 PM

Every time I hit the Post New Topic button, I just get the same page back again.

It works in Mozilla.


ChrisW - 2/6/04 at 10:07 PM

There's an easy solution to that problem!


JoelP - 2/6/04 at 10:15 PM

i like your approach chris

chick - 4/6/04 at 10:42 AM

Easy - Have you seen how long Mozilla takes to start up on anything other than a supercomputer!?

Ok, I'll use Mozilla.


ChrisW - 4/6/04 at 11:11 AM


Much as I like to support alternatives to M$, IE is very good and used by 99.something% of visitors to this site. Being able to run IE is the single biggest reason why I'm not running a Linux desktop. I have to make sure any web work I do works in IE and therefore I need to have it running without any faffing about.


chick - 4/6/04 at 12:17 PM

Have you tried wine? Its seems to run IE quite well!

I'm not really a linux nutter, I used to use windows, and don't have any religous beliefs either way. IE is pretty cool as a browser. I just use linux now as it is cheaper, if you don't want to just pirate windows.

Anyhow, I guess I've wasted enough of everyones time already.


ChrisW - 6/6/04 at 03:09 PM

I thought only IE4 ran under WINE?


Staple balls - 7/6/04 at 11:23 AM

would mozilla firefox not be the better option?

lighter than full mozilla, and will work

chick - 20/6/04 at 10:16 PM

Well with a fresh SuSE 9.1 install, konqueror is
now working!

As for wine, I believe considerable success has
been had with IE6.0 SP1. See;PHPSESSID=5c26e268c985781222efd0cd988c58e8
