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Another suggestion
mookaloid - 24/4/11 at 09:29 AM

Following on from the 'Photo comments' thing I think it would also be really good to have a link to the posters profile or posts. I often see a pic and think I wonder if that was part of a post and then I have to go off and find that member on the member list to search.

So could we have a 'profile' or 'find' button on the pics too please?



ChrisW - 24/4/11 at 10:49 AM

I'm on that too. Wrote the first stub of the code last night but it needs a bit more development before I can release it. The new 'pg' tag was all part of that too, as long as people start using it!


ChrisW - 26/4/11 at 11:37 PM

Now implemented


Daddylonglegs - 27/4/11 at 07:06 AM

Nice one Chris! Me likee

Hats off yet again

Miks15 - 27/4/11 at 07:42 AM

Chris youre going updating mad! Very impressive, it has improved the photos system ALOT. I really need to sort out my archive now.