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Moving from one photo to the next
jacko - 25/4/11 at 01:23 PM

Chris, is it possible so when you look at someones photo archive [ say the first photo ] you could click on a arrow to move to the next photo
Thankyou Graham [ Jacko]

blakep82 - 25/4/11 at 01:31 PM

i sent him a u2u the other day about this, he said its all part of the move to the PG code, so its on its way

jacko - 25/4/11 at 01:33 PM

Thanks Blake great minds and all that

ChrisW - 25/4/11 at 04:45 PM

I'm on it. Maybe tonight... you never know


jacko - 25/4/11 at 04:55 PM

Wow thankyou Chris that is very quick work

ChrisW - 25/4/11 at 05:12 PM

Depends how I feel later. Might go to the pub instead...


blakep82 - 25/4/11 at 06:08 PM

ooh, and how about the changes to profile page etc to see if someone's online, i asked ages ago, and you said there would be a code-a-thon coming up, which i guess is now?

ChrisW - 26/4/11 at 10:32 AM

Sorry boys, the pub beckoned last night. Will see what I can do this afternoon/tonight


blakep82 - 26/4/11 at 11:05 AM

we let you off though knock 10,000 or so off my post count and we'll say no more ha ha

ooh, see the whole online thing? would it be easy to put like a red or green dot next to the persons name, wherever that appears (posts, u2u, profile etc) to show online or not, like they do on migweb? or is that too complicated? i imagine it probably would be quite something

[Edited on 26/4/11 by blakep82]

ChrisW - 26/4/11 at 11:25 AM

There is code in the original XMB software to maintain a list of those online, but it looks like I disabled it for some reason. No idea why - it must have been years ago.

Basically I need to confirm that the code still works, and that the list of users online that it maintains is accurate. If that's the case I can just add some lookups against the list to implement the buttons. If not my work is a lot harder.


Miks15 - 26/4/11 at 11:52 AM


Would it be possible to also have a notification when there is a new comment on a photo in your archive? If there is this function already then i apologise.


ChrisW - 26/4/11 at 12:20 PM

Yeah, I'm going to do that.


Miks15 - 26/4/11 at 12:30 PM

Sweet, i must say you are being a busy boy Chris! I think that pub vist last night was well deserved!

ChrisW - 26/4/11 at 05:26 PM

Ok, the u2u notification on comments should now work. I'll have a go at the 'previous' and 'next' buttons now.


blakep82 - 26/4/11 at 05:35 PM

spot on fella!
the link might be better opening a new window, rather than opening it in the u2u window(minor preference lol), if its not too much trouble, but otherwise awesome thank you

ChrisW - 26/4/11 at 06:06 PM

Doh! Yes... should have sorted that really!

Previous and next now work too.
